The Influence of The Leadership Style of The Head of RT on Community Participation In Maintaining Environmental Security During The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study in RT 31 RW 08 Dusun Tegalrejo, Pagerwojo Village, Kesamben District, Blitar)

  • Sutowo Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Nuryanti Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Hery Basuki Universitas Islam Balitar
Abstract views: 482 , PDF downloads: 706
Keywords: Leadership Style, Community Participation


Leadership style is one of a few achievement components of an association in accomplishing hierarchical objectives. RT is the most minimal association at the public authority level. Developing people group interest requires an initiative style that is proper to the area so objectives can be accomplished. This review means to decide if there is an effect on the initiative style of the RT director on local area interest in keeping up with natural security during the Covid-19 pandemic. The populace utilized by analysts is 106 individuals with an example of 84 respondents acquired utilizing the Slovin equation. Then, at that point the methodology utilized is quantitative examination. While the strategy for gathering information utilized a poll approach, then, at that point preparing it with SPSS 18.0 adaptation. Information examination with instrument test, old style supposition test, heteroscedasticity test, and theory testing. From testing and information examination, it is realized that the importance esteem is 0.031 <0.05 so Ho is dismissed and Ha is acknowledged, implying that initiative style impacts local area investment.


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How to Cite
Sutowo, Nuryanti, & Basuki, H. (2021). The Influence of The Leadership Style of The Head of RT on Community Participation In Maintaining Environmental Security During The Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study in RT 31 RW 08 Dusun Tegalrejo, Pagerwojo Village, Kesamben District, Blitar). Translitera : Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Dan Studi Media, 10(2), 82-90.

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