The Implementation of Good Governance Principles in Permit Issuance Services (Study at the Intelligence Security Unit, Blitar City Police Resort)

  • Rizki Ameilia Nugraha Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Ferida Asih Wiludjeng2 Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Sutowo Universitas Islam Balitar
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Keywords: Good governance, licensing services, Intelligence and Security Unit, Blitar City Police Resort


This research is motivated by the lack of public understanding regarding the procedures and requirements for the issuance of permits at the intelligence security unit of the Blitar City Police Resort. This study uses a descriptive method, employing Sedarmayanti's theory of good governance principles, which include accountability, transparency, participation, and the rule of law. The study's findings show that, on the whole, good governance concepts have been applied effectively when issuing licenses. The supporting factors for the implementation of good governance principles in the issuance of permits include human resources, public participation, equipment, as well as organization and management. However, there are some obstacles in the implementation of good governance principles in the issuance of permits, consisting of internal and external factors.


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How to Cite
Ameilia Nugraha, R., Asih Wiludjeng, F., & Sutowo. (2024). The Implementation of Good Governance Principles in Permit Issuance Services (Study at the Intelligence Security Unit, Blitar City Police Resort). JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 9(2), 171-191.

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