An Inequality of Moral Rights in Apple Music Platform as A Digital Copyright Protection Infringement

  • Teguh Cahya Yudiana Universita Padjadjaran
Abstract views: 663 , PDF downloads: 433
Keywords: Apple Music, Inequality, Legal Protection, Moral Rights


In the era of disruption, digitalization has replaced traditional culture due to technological developments. One form is distributing music or songs which was all on cassettes or CDs (compact discs) to digital music platforms. Currently, there are many digital music platforms such as Apple Music. One of the problems outlined in this paper is regarding the moral rights of songwriters on Apple Music, while moral rights are rights inherent in the Creator. This paper aims to: (1) find out the protection of the moral rights of songwriters in Indonesian positive Law; (2) discuss how to protect and fulfill the moral rights of songwriters on the Apple Music digital music platform. Through legal research with a normative juridical approach, research results that there is an imbalance in the moral rights of songwriters in Apple Music where their moral rights are not evenly accommodated for all songwriters and tend only to accommodate certain groups (singers, songs, songwriters, and/or big music labels only).


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How to Cite
Yudiana, T. C. (2022). An Inequality of Moral Rights in Apple Music Platform as A Digital Copyright Protection Infringement. Jurnal Supremasi, 12(2), 17-26.