Analisi Nilai tambah Analisis Nilai Tambah Jeruk Nipis untuk Meningkatkan Subtitusi Ekonomi Petani di Desa Srengat Kabupaten Blitar

  • rima dewi oryza sativa Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Eko Wahyu Budiman Universitas Islam Balitar
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Keywords: Kata Kunci: Citrus Lime, Blitar, Farming, Srengat.


One of the fruits popular among Indonesians as a drink ingredient is the lime. Lime, with the Latin name Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle, is a plant with therapeutic effects that serves as a medicinal ingredient for bacterial diseases. This study aims to understand the sales conditions of lime in Srengat village and assess the added value from lime sales in Srengat village, Blitar Regency. Blitar is an area where lime cultivation is common among residents. The climate in Blitar Regency, with an average annual rainfall ranging from a high of 2,618.2 mm to a low of 1,024.7 mm and temperatures between a high of 30°C and a low of 18°C, makes this region very suitable for horticultural crops such as lime. Based on the above description, the researcher is interested in further examining the analysis of the added value of packaged and unpackaged lime to enhance economic substitution for lime farmers in Srengat village, Blitar Regency. The business analysis method was used in this study. The population or sample of this study consists of lime farmers, with purposive sampling as the data collection technique. Data processing uses farm business analysis. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the income received by farmers from lime commodities is IDR 56,793,200. The income obtained by farmers exceeds the costs required for lime farming, indicating that this farming is profitable. The R/C ratio was calculated to be 5.09, meaning that for every IDR 1 spent, a return of IDR 5.09 is obtained, with an R/C ratio of 5.09 > 1. This shows that lime farming in Srengat Village is profitable and worth developing. The added value obtained from packaged lime processing is IDR 66,230,000, with a ratio of 6.14%. The added value analysis in post-harvest lime activities shows that the greater the added value provided to a product, the higher the profit gained.

Kata Kunci: Citrus Lime, Blitar, Farming, Srengat.


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How to Cite
oryza sativa, rima dewi, & Wahyu Budiman, E. (2024). Analisi Nilai tambah Analisis Nilai Tambah Jeruk Nipis untuk Meningkatkan Subtitusi Ekonomi Petani di Desa Srengat Kabupaten Blitar. VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian, 18(2), 99-105.

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