VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Jurnal VIABEL (p-ISSN: 1978-5259; e-ISSN: 2527-3345), terbit pertama kali pada Mei 2007 dan terbit online pada Mei 2016. Viabel diterbitkan dengan dua kali yaitu Bulan Mei dan November. Viabel memuat artikel hasil penelitian atau kajian di bidang pertanian seperti Hortikultura, Agronomi, Pemuliaan Tanaman, Ilmu Tanah, Perlindungan Tanaman, Sosial-ekonomi Pertanian, Agribisnis Manajemen, Komunikasi dan Pemberdayaan Pertanian. Artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris.</span></p> Universitas Islam Balitar en-US VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 1978-5259 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li>Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s).</li> <li>The author grants the journal, right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li> <li>The article and any associated published material is distributed under the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></li> </ol> KERAGAMAN ADOPSI PERTANIAN BERKELANJUTAN UNTUK MITIGASI PERUBAHAN IKLIM DI DESA MOLINTOGUPO DAN DESA PANCURAN, PROVINSI GORONTALO <p><strong>Tingkat pengetahuan petani khususnya petani jagung dalam keragaman adopsi pertanian berkelanjutan untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim masih tergolong sangat rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi tingkat pemahaman&nbsp; pertanian berkelanjutan yang direkomendasikan dalam penyuluhan kepada petani jagung, dan mengidentifikasi karakteristik petani jagung yang relevan terhadap adopsi petani jagung terhadap pertanian berkelanjutan. Total responden berjumlah sebanyak 60 petani jagung yang ada di Desa Molintogupo dan Desa Pancuran, Kecamatan Suwawa diwawancara melalui pembagian kuesioner yang terkait pengetahuan pertanian berkelanjutan. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis deskriptif yang dilakukan untuk menentukan seberapa paham praktek pertanian berkelanjutan oleh petani jagung yang ada pada dua Desa. Uji statistik digunakan untuk mengetahui perbandingan tingkat pengetahuan petani jagung terhadap perbandingan antara dua desa yang&nbsp; menunjukan perbandingan dua desa bersignifikan dengan&nbsp; tingkat pemahaman yang kuat terhadap pentingnya pengurangan pembakaran limbah jagung.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Chiqal Lakatara Zulham Sirajuddin Karlena Arsyad Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 18 1 1 12 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3259 Kajian Budidaya Tanaman Kelapa Di Desa Uraur Kecamatan Kairatu Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat <p>Kelapa merupakan komoditas strategis yang memiliki peran sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi dalam kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia. Produk tanaman kelapa, selain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, juga sebagai sumber devisa negara melalui ekspor. Untuk meningkatkan produksi kelapa, maka petani produsen kelapa perlu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan budidaya tanaman dalam mengoptimalkan produktivitas tanaman kelapa yang dikelolanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat budaya tanaman kelapa oleh petani di Desa Uraur, Kecamatan Kairatu, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei serta pengamatan langsung yang dilakukan terhadap petani yang mengelola tanaman kelapa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa budidaya tanaman kelapa yang dilakukan oleh petani di Desa Uraur masih bersifat tradisional berdasarkan pengetahuan turun temurun dari orang tua, sehingga belum dilaksanakan dengan baik dan benar. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari teknik pembibitan masih berasal dari benih sendiri, pemeliharaan tanaman yang dilakukan belum intensif, hanya melakukan pengendalian gulma. Petani tidak melalukan pemupukan, pengendalian hama dan penyakit terhadap tanaman kelapa, serta panen dan pasca penen yang dilakukan dengan seadanya.</p> Marlita Makaruku Anna Wattimen Esther Kembauw Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 18 1 13 20 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3251 Karakteristik Morfologi Dua Jenis Sagu Di Desa Hutumuri Kecamatan Leitimur Selatan Kota Ambon <p><strong>Salah satu komoditi bahan pangan yang banyak mengandung karbohidrat adalah sagu. Maluku merupakan salah satu daerah asal dan sentra penyebaran sagu. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengkarakteristik morfologi dua jenis sagu sebagai potensi yang ada di kota Ambon khususnya desa Hutumuri. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dan observasi lapangan. Survei dilakukan melalui wawancara kuesioner terhadap 15 orang petani sampel yang membudidayakan sagu. Masing-masing petani diambil 2 pohon sagu tuni dan 2 pohon sagu ihur untuk karakterisasi morfologi sagu. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Parameter yang diamati meliputi batang pohon sagu&nbsp; (tinggi pohon, tinggi batang, keliling batang, diameter batang) , daun sagu (warna daun, warna pelepah daun, panjang pelepah, jumlah daun, jumlah bekas daun, jumlah anak daun kanan dan kiri, panjang anak daun kanan dan kiri, lebar anak daun kanan dan kiri), duri sagu (jumlah duri sagu, jarak antar duri, panjang duri, warna duri) dan &nbsp;tingkat pertumbuhan sagu dalam satu rumpun. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat perbedaan warna untuk pelepah daun antara sagu tuni dan sagu ihur. Duri sagu ihur lebih banyak dan lebih panjang dari sagu tuni. Batang sagu dan diameter batang sagu tuni lebih besar dari sagu ihur.</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Anna Wattimena Marlita Makaruku Esther Kembauw Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 18 1 21 28 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3250 RESPON TANAMAN PAKCOY (Brassica rapa L.) TERHADAP PEMBERIAN SERBUK KAYU DAN PUPUK PETRORGANIK <p><strong>One effort that can be made to improve soil fertility is by providing rich and petroganic powders. This research aims to determine the growth response of pakcoy plants to a combination of wood dust and petrorganic fertilizer treatments. This research was carried out from April to July 2023 in Sumber Rejeki Village, Merauke. This research used a randomized block design. The variables observed were plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, leaf width, and wet weight. The results of the research showed that the combination of sawdust and petroganic treatments had a different effect on each variable of pakcoy plant growth. The highest treatment on the plant height variable was obtained in the treatment without rich powder + 1 t.ha<sup>-1</sup> petroganic fertilizer, the number of leaves in the sawdust treatment was 20 t.ha<sup>-1</sup> + 3 t.ha<sup>-1 </sup>petroganic fertilizer, the leaf length was found in the treatment without wood dust + petroganic fertilizer 1 t.ha<sup>-1</sup>, leaf width was found in the treatment without sawdust + petroganic fertilizer 1 t.ha<sup>-1</sup> and wet weight was found in the wood powder treatment 10 t.ha<sup>-1</sup> + petroganic fertilizer 3 t.ha<sup>-1</sup>.</strong></p> Heru Nugroho Jefri Sembiring Rangga Kusumah Mani Yusuf Anwar Anwar Tri Endrawati Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 18 1 29 39 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3539 KOMBINASI PUPUK KANDANG KAMBING DAN KALIUM NITRAT (KNO3) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN KECEPATAN BERBUNGA JAGUNG MANIS (Zea mays saccharata) <p><strong><em>Zea mays Saccharata</em></strong><strong> (Sweet corn)</strong><strong> is a horticultural commodity that is </strong><strong>have</strong><strong> high carbohydrates and contains free sugars and starch (Wahditiya, 2016). sweet corn imports increased 42.46% from 517.5 thousand tons in the previous year to 737.2 thousand tons</strong><strong> (</strong><strong>BPS, 2021 in Amelia and Sugiharto, 2022)</strong><strong>.&nbsp; This high demand is not matched by availability. Efforts to meet this demand include improving cultivation techniques such as </strong><strong>used</strong><strong> of superior varieties and ecological management. The combination of organic and </strong><strong>a</strong><strong>norganic fertilizers can play an important role because it can maintain soil health, productivity and plant fertility. The combination of goat fertilizer and KNO3 is expected to increase vegetative and generative performance. The research method used RAKF. The first factor is the dose of goat manure, K1 = 5 tons/ha, K2 = 10 tons/ha, K3 = 15 tons/ha. The second factor is the application of white KNO3 fertilizer P1 = 50 kg/ha, P2 = 100 kg/ha, P3 = 150 kg/ha. There were 9 treatment combinations and repeated 3 times and 5 samples.</strong><strong> The observed parameters include: Plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, and flowering age.</strong><strong> Data obtained from the observations of each variable were subjected to the F test with the method of variance (ANOVA). If the treatment combination accepted H1 then the comparison test will be done </strong><strong>BNT</strong><strong> 5%.</strong><strong> The results showed that there was no interaction between the application of goat manure and KNO3 on the growth and yield. The application of KNO3&nbsp; has a significant effect on the vegetative period of the plant number of leaves, plant height, stem diameter, and early flowering age of the plant.</strong></p> Nur Fitriyah Widyana Rahmatika Sherlin melya Contesya Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-27 2024-05-27 18 1 40 48 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3407 ANALISIS PENDAPATAN DAN NILAI TAMBAH USAHA PRODUK OLAHAN NIRA AREN (GULA AREN) DI DESA MONGIILO KECAMATAN BOULANGO ULU KABUPATEN BONE BOLANGO <p><strong>The </strong><strong>objectives</strong><strong> of this study are twofold: firstly, to assess the viability of processing palm sugar products, and secondly, to determine the additional value that palm sugar brings to Mongiilo Village in the Bone Bolango Regency. This investigation spanned from September to December 2022, involving 67 farmers as respondents. The research utilized both primary and secondary data. Employing a saturated sampling method (census), all respondents were interviewed, ensuring a comprehensive representation of the population.</strong> <strong>The analytical approach adopted for assessing added value was the hayami method, while the Return Cost Ratio (R/C Ratio) was employed for overall analysis. The findings revealed an R/C ratio of 3.72, surpassing the threshold of 1. This implies that cultivating palm sugar in Mongiilo Village, Bulango Ulu District, Bone Bolango Regency, is economically justified. The study determined an added value of Rp. 761.11/kg, with palm sugar craftsmen in Mongiilo Village generating a profit of Rp. 587.83, equivalent to 19.59% of the total production.</strong></p> Nurain Ibrahim Ria Indriani Zulham Sirajuddin Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 18 1 49 59 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3442 EFEKTIVITAS TIGA BAHAN ORGANIK TERHADAP SERANGAN HAMA, PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKSI SAWI <p><strong>Pakcoy mustard greens are a type of rain-resistant vegetable. Pakcoy has green leaves with high nutritional content and economic value. One of the efforts that can be made to increase plant production is by providing fertilizer. Fertilization is carried out in order to meet the nutrient needs of plants, so that they can provide high yields, especially using organic fertilizer so that you can use waste as fertilizer. One type of recycled waste that can be used as organic fertilizer is egg shells, tea dregs and banana peels, each of which contains elements that are good for cultivation. Apart from that, pak choy mustard plants have the main problem that causes damage to pak choy, namely destructive pests that eat pak choy leaves such as plutella caterpillars, tritip caterpillars, armyworms, aphids (Aphids), cabbage spanner caterpillars. This research will be carried out from October to December 2023 at the UNISKA Integrated Field Laboratory. With a height of 67 meters above sea level, the temperature is 31.2◦C, humidity is 62.3% and soil pH is 6. Based on the research results, it shows that there is a very real influ.ence on the observed variables of plant height and number of leaves at the age of 14, 21 and 28 DAP, and it has an effect significant in root length at 28 days after planting. Fresh weight, dry weight, and armyworm pest attacks were lowest at P7.</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> imam Habibi Renita Neng Kumala Sari Titik Irawati Mohammad Cholil Mahfud Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 18 1 60 69 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3483 EFEKTIVITAS AUKSIN DAN GIBERELIN TERHADAP UMUR BERBUNGA DAN PANEN TANAMAN KORO PEDANG (Cannavalia ensiformis) <p><strong>The aim of this research was to determine the effect of the growth regulator substances auxin and gibberellin as chemical mutagens on flowering time and harvest time of jack bean. This research was carried out in the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bachelorwiyata Tamansiswa University, Yogyakarta City. This research was carried out from August to December 2023. The research was carried out using the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. Consisting of 4 replications, each replication contained 3 treatments. So 12 experimental units were obtained, namely: P1 = IAA 2 ppm + GA 10 ppm, P2 = IAA 4 ppm + GA 10 ppm, P3 = IAA 6 ppm + GA 10 ppm. The collected data was analyzed using 5% ANOVA and further tested using 5% Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The influence of the growth regulators auxin and gibberellin as chemical mutagens showed varying results at concentrations of IAA 4 ppm and GA 10 ppm which affected the day of harvest. However, there was no difference in flowering age between all treatments.</strong></p> Driska Arnanto Yekti Maryani Galih Indra Koswara Dian Eka Kusumawati Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 18 1 70 75 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3520 PENERAPAN PENGEMASAN MODIFIKASI ATMOSFER UNTUK MEMPERTAHANKAN MUTU DAN KUALITAS SENSORIK ASPARAGUS (Asparagus Officinalis L.) <p><strong>Asparagus (<em>Asparagus officinalis L.)</em> merupakan salah satu sayuran yang paling populer karena mengandung banyak serat dan beberapa nutrisi penting. Ini adalah komoditas yang sangat mudah rusak karena tingkat respirasi yang sangat tinggi. Untuk menjaga kualitas produk dan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen, kemasan atmosfer yang dimodifikasi terbuka sangat bervariasi tergantung pada komposisi gas dan kondisi penyimpanan. Untuk memperpanjang umur asparagus dan mempertahankan kualitas disarankan menggunakan pengememasan modifikasi atmosfer aktif. Oleh karena itu, karena permintaan untuk aplikasi pengememasan modifikasi atmosfer aktif meningkat. Tinjauan ini meneliti efek dan mekanisme dimana atmosfer yang awalnya dimodifikasi mempengaruhi kualitas asparagus sehubung dengan kehilangan berat segar, kehilangan warna dan pengaturan gas. Pemilihan kondisi penyimpanan yang tepat dan optimal untuk asparagus sangat penting untuk mempertahankan kualitas dan memperpanjang umur simpan.</strong></p> Sohnif Nurwicahyo Putra Henik Sukorini Erfan Dani Septia Copyright (c) 2024 VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 18 1 76 87 10.35457/viabel.v18i1.3467