• rima dewi oryza sativa Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Eko Wahyu Budiman Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Neha Febrianti Universitas Islam Balitar
Abstract views: 24 , PDF downloads: 8
Keywords: Keyword: Pomade, Lime, Farmer, Anti dandruff, Green economy


The government has developed and promoted agricultural development in the horticulture sector to increase competitiveness in the local and export markets. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) is one of them, it can be used as a traditional medicine, dandruff, increase stamina, and as an anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. So far, limes that fall or do not pass sorting during harvest are often thrown away and are less useful so that they pollute the environment. One of the benefits of lime which is the topic of this research is for raw materials for making anti-dandruff pomade. Pomade is a hair styling material that is usually used by men with strong adhesion and shiny results. Lifting the potential of lime parts, especially lime waste as a natural hair treatment combined with several mixed ingredients such as olive oil, castor oil, can be produced in the form of pomade hair oil. This product is used for hair styling in salons, MUA, and especially for the hair of male and teenage consumers. Responding to these developments, of course farmers must be more innovative in using lime waste as a raw material for making pomade so that they can minimize losses and maximize profits. The purpose of this study is (1) to find out the use of lime waste to improve the economy of farmers, (2) to find out the benefits and marketing strategies of lime waste processing products. This activity is in collaboration with lime farmers who are members of the "Sidowayah" Farmer Group, so that farmers can improve their welfare and productivity with the Green economy concept of lime waste. The method used in this study is the analysis of farming businesses and marketing strategies, this strategy can maximize pomade production to be marketed in local and national communities as anti-dandruff lime pomade. Based on the analysis of farming businesses, this lime pomade also has good business prospects. This can be seen from the calculation of the R/C ratio, which is 1.296 (value> 1) indicating that lime pomade is profitable and feasible to be used as a business. The profit obtained based on the calculation of the farming business analysis is IDR 57,150 for 10 production processes or IDR 5,715 for 1 pack of lime pomade.

Keyword: Pomade, Lime, Farmer, Anti dandruff, Green economy


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How to Cite
oryza sativa, rima dewi, Wahyu Budiman, E., & Febrianti, N. (2024). PENINGKATAN KESEJAHTERAAN PETANI DENGAN KONSEP Green Economy LIMBAH BUAH JERUK NIPIS (Citrus aurantifolia) SEBAGAI BAHAN POMADE ANTI KETOMBE. VIABEL: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian, 18(2), 123-130.

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