• Victor Adiluhung Abednego Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
  • Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480
Abstract views: 752 , pdf downloads: 1344
Keywords: Visual Review, Character Design, Children Book, Illustration, Tourism.


Tourism in East Java has a huge potential and need to be introduced to the wider community. To increase the user knowledge about tourism potential, we need media that can be utilized and can be reached by all groups. Illustration book is one of alternative media that can be applied. Books are media that can be interesting for children, especially because they are equipped with interesting illustrations, the using of bright color and the cuteness of character design. The use of character designs in this illustration book is a visual attraction. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method explains the character study in terms of several aspects, including iconic characters, the use of colors, the cuteness aspects of character design. This study produced a character design plan that was applied to the Heritage of East Java illustration book on the introduction of local culture in East Java. It is expected that the existence of character designs can facilitate the conveying of messages to users other than that it is expected to increase user knowledge of tourism in East Java

Author Biographies

Victor Adiluhung Abednego, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Visual Communication Design Department, School of Design


Yudhistya Ayu Kusumawati, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

Visual Communication Design Department, School of Design


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How to Cite
Abednego, V. A., & Kusumawati, Y. A. (2019). KAJIAN DESAIN KARAKTER PADA BUKU “HERITAGE OF EAST JAVA” SEBAGAI DAYA TARIK VISUAL. Translitera : Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Dan Studi Media, 8(02), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.35457/translitera.v8i02.887