The Role of The Tulungagung Regency Fisheries Service in Improving The Welfare of Fishery Business Actors

(Study at the Tulungagung Regency Fisheries Service)

  • Slamet Hariyanto Universitas Tulungagung
  • Dega Bayu Pratama Universitas Tulungagung
Abstract views: 802 , PDF downloads: 1084


Tulungagung Regency as one of the districts that has a considerable potential for marine waters, makes the development of the role of the Fisheries and Marine Sector in Tulungagung Regency, able to absorb labor and help the community's economy. However, in these two years, the production of capture fisheries in Tulungagung Regency has continued to decline. Nevertheless, the Tulungagung Regency Government through the Fisheries Service still has a high commitment to build and improve facilities and infrastructure in an effort to improve the economy of the fishery business community, so that welfare can be realized for the community, especially those engaged in the fisheries business sector. This research uses a qualitative approach method, which is a research step that explores a deeper picture of looking at all activities in their context. Data collection through interview and observation methods. The subjects determined were the Head of the Fisheries Service, the Head of aquaculture, the head of the capture fisheries sector and the fish farming community. The validity of the data is evidenced by the trianggulation of sources through quality analysis which consists of several procedures such as data reduction, presentation and conclusion making.


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How to Cite
Slamet Hariyanto, & Pratama, D. B. (2022). The Role of The Tulungagung Regency Fisheries Service in Improving The Welfare of Fishery Business Actors: (Study at the Tulungagung Regency Fisheries Service). Translitera : Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Dan Studi Media, 11(2), 11-16.