The Influence of Ria Ricis's Youtube Content on Netizens' Verbal Aggression

  • Aulia Rahma Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
  • Santi Delliana Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Kalbis
Abstract views: 1062 , PDF downloads: 1452
Keywords: Social Media, Verbal Aggresion, Youtube Content


More and more content creators have begun creating YouTube videos in Indonesia. One of Indonesia's famous YouTubers is named Ria Ricis. The popularity of Ria Ricis on YouTube has brought many subscribers to her. One of the Ria Ricis videos that this research focuses on was a video entitled "24 Hours of the Same as Cimoy The Discovers of Everything" The 12-minute 7-second video shows the content of questions and answers by presenting a guest star, Cimoy Montok, named Nuraini or more familiarly. Many responded positively to the video in the comment column, starting with praise and suggestions made by networkers. However, some commentaries from networkers that contained negative blasphemy, insults, mockery, provocation, etc., have been discovered. These comments contain verbal aggression elements. Verbal aggression is verbal aggression like scolding, screaming, using nonsense or harsh words that hurt things. With this research, researchers attempted to determine the effect of Ria Ricis YouTube content on netizen verbal aggression. This study uses a positive paradigm with a quantitative approach to research. In this study, the research method and type of explanatory research are used. Furthermore, the theory of stimulus-response (S-R) is used. Hypothesis tests were performed using a t-test. The results indicate that results from 8,423> t table 1,984 and regression analyses from 0,648 demonstrated strong relationships between x and y variables and showed the influence of the x and y variable. It is therefore stated that Ria Ricis' YouTube video content affects netizen's verbal aggression.


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How to Cite
Aulia Rahma, & Delliana, S. (2022). The Influence of Ria Ricis’s Youtube Content on Netizens’ Verbal Aggression. Translitera : Jurnal Kajian Komunikasi Dan Studi Media, 11(1), 78-86.