Implementation of the #HouseProject Program as a Community-Based Tourism Application in Bantarkaret Tourism Village Bogor

  • Andra Sahirah Hasna Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR
  • Cut Fairi Auni Ridanti Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR
  • Dita Listya Etania Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR
  • Kadek Ayu Maharani Ardiyatna Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR
Abstract views: 236 , PDF downloads: 236
Keywords: Tourism Village, Community Based Tourism, Training, Information Processing Theory, Tourism Planning Process


One strategy to keep the tourism industry alive during the pandemic is to promote it through social media. The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has impacted many things, including travel trends, where tourist destinations and attractions will focus more on the concept of Nature, Eco, Wellness, and Adventure (NEWA). A tourist destination that has this concept is a tourism village. One of the tourism villages that is categorized as a developing village is Bantarkaret Village. Bantarkaret Tourism Village aims to involve the community as tourism agents and administrators as a way of implementing community based tourism, which is a characteristic of a tourism village. This program focuses on giving photography, social media, and tourism planning training to the Bantarkaret Tourism Village local community in increasing competitiveness and productivity, and also preparing the community for the new normal era. The implementation of this program is guided by information processing theory and the stages of the tourism planning process model.


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How to Cite
Hasna, A. S., Ridanti, C. F. A., Etania, D. L., & Ardiyatna, K. A. M. (2023). Implementation of the #HouseProject Program as a Community-Based Tourism Application in Bantarkaret Tourism Village Bogor. Science Contribution to Society Journal, 3(1), 1-9.