MODEL LOTRE ; STRATEGI PENETUAN SEWA BENGKOK DESA (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Desa Tawangrejo Kec. Wonodadi Kab. Blitar)

  • Diana Elvianita
Abstract views: 337 , PDF downloads: 914
Keywords: “Bengkok-- Village, Rent, Lottery Model,


This Research aims to determine how the determination of
“Bengkok-- land leases used Tawangrejo Rural District of Wonodadi
Blitar? The method used is qualitative with phenomenological
approach. The results of this research The village government
Tawangrejo Wonodadi District of Blitar Using “Lotre Model-- to
determine a “Bengkok-- land tenants as the principle of justice and
equity. this method intended for residents of the village can be
alternately each year to hire a “Bengkok-- land and residents can feel
the results of the village land


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How to Cite
Elvianita, D. (2017). MODEL LOTRE ; STRATEGI PENETUAN SEWA BENGKOK DESA (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Desa Tawangrejo Kec. Wonodadi Kab. Blitar). AKUNTABILITAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Ekonomi, 8(2), 4.