• Nurur Riszkasari Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Dian Fadhilawati Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Adin Fauzi Universitas Islam Balitar
Abstract views: 490 , pdf downloads: 288
Keywords: Go Gold Generation (3G), Web-Based Quiz, Grammar, Learning Media



This research aims to establish the Go Gold Generation (3G) Web-Based Quiz for teaching and learning grammar that focused on simple past tense, present perfect tense, and past continuous tense, to discover the appropriateness of 3G web-based quiz for teaching and learning grammar, and to find out the teachers’ and students’ responses toward the use of 3G web-based quiz for teaching and learning grammar to the tenth-grade students. The researchers adapted Sugiyono’s research and development framework as a reference. The adaption has been formulated into three phases, which were: foundational research; design and development; and perception test and finalization. The research result showed that the validation score was 89,73% included in the “Very Valid” category. The result of teachers’ and students’ responses score was 89,09% included in the “Very Good” category. It means that a 3G web-based quiz can be applied as an alternative media for teaching and learning grammar to the tenth-grade students in senior high school. Furthermore, the final product of the model consisted of 3G Web-Based Quiz, guidebooks for teachers and students, and assessment guidelines.


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How to Cite
Riszkasari, N., Fadhilawati, D., & Fauzi, A. (2021). GO GOLD GENERATION WEB-BASED QUIZ FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING GRAMMAR IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 6(2), 223-235. https://doi.org/10.35457/josar.v6i2.2047

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