Ekonomi Kerakyatan: Dari, Oleh Dan Untuk Nasionalisme

  • wedi prasetyo
Abstract views: 464 , Remote downloads: 0
Keywords: Democratic economy, nationalism and Net Economic Policy.


Study this article aims to emphasize the importance of
democratic economy in an effort to confront global trade towards
nationalism. This achievement makes the spirit of awakening the
people's welfare. The results of this study can increase the ability of
local potential (cluster) through the development of an
entrepreneurial spirit, koperasi and BUMDesa. In addition, also for
the government of the City and or district can develop a cluster
strategy in implementing the Economic Policy Net (NET). This kind
of policy in order to develop the potential of the area was able to see
and develop superior power and competitiveness of products. The
result is a formidable foster economic actors for culture and social
capital at once in turn also "eliminate" social sorting prone
configuration in the form of violence.


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How to Cite
prasetyo, wedi. (2017). Ekonomi Kerakyatan: Dari, Oleh Dan Untuk Nasionalisme. AKUNTABILITAS: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Ekonomi, 8(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.35457/akuntabilitas.v8i1.200