• Mifta Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Ida Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Iqbal Universitas Islam Balitar
Abstract views: 276 , pdf downloads: 191
Keywords: learning media, vibernipa, pancasila values,


This research is in the background by the low activity of students. The purpose of
this research is to improve activities and by developing Pancasila values using video.
This research uses Research and Development (R & D). Desaign and Development
methods are also defined as a research method used to produce certain products,
and test the effectiveness of the product. Data collection techniques by observing
students' interest in learning. The data collection tool is by means of a video concept
observation guide. The collected data is then analyzed by analysis of research and
The results of the research are shown on the material aspects and 4.2 on the
media aspects 4.4 On aspects of the language 4.0 according to the module eligibility
criteria that the module is appropriate to use. The validation results indicated that the
module was able to influence students' learning interest as much as 4.2. This is
supported by student observation sheets that show interest in the use of the module
as many as 6 students feel interested and helped in carrying out learning. It is hoped
that this study will contribute towards development and progress to support the
achievement of the FKIP UNISBA vision and mission.


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How to Cite
Jannah, M., Rarasati, I. P., & Baihaqi, M. I. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF VIBERNIPA LEARNING MEDIA IN PANCASILA VALUE MATERIALS. JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 2(2), 41-49.

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