Design of Online Certificate Legalisation Information System at Indramayu State Polytechnic

  • Dian Pramadhana Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
  • Kurnia Astrin Febrianti Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
  • Riyan Farismana Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
  • A. Lubis Ghozali Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
Abstract views: 151 , PDF downloads: 204
Keywords: Diploma, Legalizir, Information Systems, Transcript, Website


An information system is a collection of interconnected elements that form a unity in integrating data, processing, storing and distributing information. Legalization is an attestation process by providing an original stamp and signature from the authorities on a photocopy of a diploma or grade transcript as proof that the photocopy matches the original diploma or grade transcript. The legalization process at the Indramayu State Polytechnic which is currently running is still done manually. This mechanism requires alumni who wish to legalize their diplomas or transcripts to come directly to campus. The legalization service system that is currently running at the Indramayu State Polytechnic is considered to be less effective because it takes a long time for alumni to process the application. Based on the problems above, the researcher aims to design a website-based information system for legalizing diplomas and transcripts. The legalization system is designed to focus on the needs of alumni and those from the academic department who are responsible for ratifying documents for legalizing diplomas and transcripts. The result of this research is a website platform for submitting online legalization requests which can help the academic section of the Indramayu State Polytechnic in managing legalization applications and make it easier for alumni to submit legalization applications.


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How to Cite
D. Pramadhana, K. A. Febrianti, R. Farismana, and A. L. Ghozali, “Design of Online Certificate Legalisation Information System at Indramayu State Polytechnic”, antivirus, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 261-270, Dec. 2023.