Intrinsict Elements of Bidadari Paderi

  • Hayu Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Ega Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Dewi Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Madha Universitas Islam Balitar
  • Tigor Permana Universitas Islam Balitar
Abstract views: 246 , PDF downloads: 227
Keywords: bidadari paderi, theme, figure, conflict


The research entitled “Konflik Sosial dalam Novel Bidadari Paderi Karya Saiful Ardi
Imam.” Social conflict is prominently presented in Saiful Ardi Imam’s Bidadari Paderi.
Based on the background of the story, the research problems are formulated as how the
intrinsic elements are and what social conflicts have happened within the story. This
research aims at describing the intrinsic elements covering plot, characterization, and
setting and describing the social conflict depicted. Theoretically, this research is expected
to bring benefits toward the development of literary studies, particularly the sociology of
literature. Practically, the research is expected to ease the readers understanding on
Saiful Ardi Imam’s Bidadari Paderi. The object of this research is the novel entitled
Bidadari Paderi that will be analyzed using sociology of literature. The analysis technique
employed in this research is to describe the classifed data in order to figure out the
relations of each intrinsic element. Based on the research result, it can be concluded that
he social conflicts can be found in Saiful Ardi Imam’s Bidadari Paderi that the writer to
convey to readers. The social conflict is between the Adat and the Pendekar groups with
the Paderi. Sutan Pamuncak, who was from the Pendekar group, refused Imam Mudo’s
request to join the Paderi. However , this particular social conflict can be overcome due to
the emergence of the next conflict, namely the social conflict between the Paderi and the
Holland troops that want to conquer Minangkabau area. At 1822, as a result the war
happened between them.


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How to Cite
Khasanah, H. U., Adis, E. D., Rukayah, D., Vesakha, M., & Permana, T. (2019). Intrinsict Elements of Bidadari Paderi. JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 2(1), 60-67.