• risma novela universitas islam balitar
  • Sainan Irba Novaela Samur
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Keywords: Peking Ducks, Postal Cage, Stage Cage, Performance.


This study conducted to determine the differences of Postal cage and Stage cage on the performance of Peking Duck in Body Weight, feed conversion, and mortality. The material used in the study was 600 Peking ducks were raised separately in postal cage and stage cage with common diet from DOD (Days Old Duck) to 35 day of age. This research was a quantitative descriptive research that interpreted data from research samples, analyzed by student T test that is used to compare the means of two groups that is Peking ducklings were raised in postal cage and stage cage. The results showed that the Body Weight, FCR, and Mortality of Peking Ducks were reared in Postal Cage is 1,54, 1,94 and 1,5%  while the ducks that were kept in Stage Cage is 1.53, 1,95 and 2,5%. The results indicated that there was no difference in the performance (Body weight, FCR, and Mortality) of Peking ducks housed in postal and stage cage. However, based on the average values for body weight, FCR, and mortality, the postal cage provides the best results.


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How to Cite
novela, risma, & Samur, S. I. N. (2023). DIFFERENCES BETWEEN POSTAL AND STAGE CAGE FOR PEKING DUCKS PERFORMANCE. JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 8(1), 192-198. https://doi.org/10.35457/josar.v9i1.2784