A Literature Review: The Effect of Giving Lavender Aromatherapy On Sleep Quality In The Elderly

  • Achmad Dwi Kurniawan D3 keperawatan Poltekes Kemenkes Malang
  • Imam sunarno D3 keperawatan Poltekes Kemenkes Malang
  • Muhammad Miftachul Ulum D3 keperawatan Poltekes Kemenkes Malang
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Keywords: Lavender aromatheraphy, sleep quality, elderly


Elderly is the final stage of the development of the human life cycle, aging is generally defined as a progressive physiological decline after the reproductive stage of life. Common health problems in the elderly are sleep disturbances. Sleep disorders or insomnia is a condition of a person who does not get enough sleep at night, wakes up at night, or wakes up too early. The purpose of the literature review: to study the effect of using lavender aromatherapy on sleep quality in the elderly. The method used is a traditional review with the samples being accredited national and international journals. With inclusion criteria, national and international journals from different databases were selected independently by the researcher. The results: the use of lavender aromatherapy improves sleep quality in the elderly, with p value = 0.000. Improved sleep quality occurs by giving essential oils every night for 7 consecutive days. Conclusion: the use of lavender aromatherapy can be used to improve sleep quality in the elderly. Suggestion: for the elderly who have sleep disorders, you can use 5-6 drops of lavender aromatherapy oil on their pillows every night before going to bed.


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How to Cite
Dwi Kurniawan, A., sunarno, I., & Ulum, M. M. (2022). A Literature Review: The Effect of Giving Lavender Aromatherapy On Sleep Quality In The Elderly. JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 7(2), 292-298. https://doi.org/10.35457/josar.v8i2.2416