Development of PeCiKu TAHeS Educational Media (Hand Washing Habits and Short Nails for Grat and Healthy Children) to Increase Knowledge and Attitudes to Prevent Covid 19 at Tanjungsari 2 Elementary School, Blitar City

  • Mohamad Miftachul Ulum D3 keperawatan Poltekes Promkes Malang
  • Sri Mugianti D3 keperawatan Poltekes Promkes Malang
  • Imam Sunarno D3 keperawatan Poltekes Promkes Malang
Abstract views: 328 , pdf downloads: 284
Keywords: elementary school students, hand washing habbit and short nails, APE PECIKU TAHES


Promotion of healthy lifestyle habits of washing hands and short nails in pre-children
at Tanjungsasi 2 Elementary School is one form of prevention against deviant attitudes and
lifestyles. This study used the Pre-Experimental method: The One Group Pretest-Posttest
Design. The research subjects consisted of 60 elementary school students in grades 3 and 4
divided into groups of 5 students each as users of the APE Educational Media PeCiKu
TAHeS and 30 parents/guardians/teachers, 1 psychologist as an assessor of Educational
Media Educational Game Tools PeCiKu TAHeS at Tanjungsari 2 Elementary School Blitar
City. The research object was the effectiveness of PeCiKu TAHeS Educational Game Tool
(APE) in increasing the hand washing habits and short nails. Collecting data by giving
questionnaires before and after being given treatment to measure the hand washing habits
and short nails. and a media assessment checklist for media eligibility. The results of the
paired sample t-test showed that p = 0.000 (because p < ) then Ho was rejected and Ha was
accepted, so there was a significant difference in the hand washing habits and short nails
before and after being given an intervention in the form of simulation games with PeCiKu
TAHeS Educational Game Tool (APE), so it could be concluded that PeCiKu TAHeS
Educational Game Tool (APE) was feasible and effective in increasing the habit of
washing hands and short nails in schoolchild.


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How to Cite
Ulum, M. M., Mugianti, S., & Sunarno, I. (2021). Development of PeCiKu TAHeS Educational Media (Hand Washing Habits and Short Nails for Grat and Healthy Children) to Increase Knowledge and Attitudes to Prevent Covid 19 at Tanjungsari 2 Elementary School, Blitar City. JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research), 6(2), 298-312.