• Dewi Hidayati STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung
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Keywords: Needs Analysis, Learning Needs, English.


The aim of this study to determine the analysis of English needs for shariah economic department. Based on the objectives of students who focus on analyze targets and learning requirement. The subjects of this study were students of the Department of Islamic Economics STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung. The method in this research uses qualitative methods. Data collection methods were obtained from questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study in the form of a target analysis show that the goal of learning English for students in Islamic economics department be able to communicate using English actively. The results of the analysis of learning needs obtained are students needed the ability to speak directly and communicatively in order to prepare themselves to meet the demands of their profession in the future. It is shows that the desires of speaking students’ ability (speaking) it is very accordance with the needs of the job market which requires the ability to communicate in English well. The results of this reference are expected to be a reference for preparing syllabus and learning material.


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How to Cite
Hidayati, D. (2019). THE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH REQUIREMENT FOR SHARIAH ECONOMIC STUDENTS. JARES (Journal of Academic Research and Sciences), 4(2), 32-38.