Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik, dan Humaniora2024-12-21T16:33:39+07:00Editor Jurnal Transgenerajurnaltransgenera@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Frasa Transgenera berasal dari dua kata yaitu transformasi dan generasi. Frasa ini merujuk pada makna perubahan dan pembaharuan dari generasi lama ke generasi baru yang diharapkan menuju ke arah perkembangan, perubahan dan kemajuan yang semakin baik. Transgenera adalah jurnal peer-review yang membuka pengiriman artikel asli dan belum pernah diterbitkan.</span></span></span></span></p> dan Politik: Mengurai Hambatan dan Peluang Bagi Pemimpin Perempuan2024-12-20T16:34:03+07:00Chandra Dimuka Suharnochandradimukasuharno@gmail.comFebriani Nurul Awaliahfebrianinurulawaliah@gmail.comFarah Salma Rubbiyantifarahsalmarubbiyanti@gmail.comFawwaz As’ad<p><em>The goal of the social, political, and intellectual movement known as feminism is to eliminate gender-based inequalities. Participation that forms gender stereotypes about women's issues and politics in general includes women's political rights. Research Methods This article To investigate the potential and challenges faced by women political leaders from a feminist perspective, this study uses qualitative techniques with a case study design. stereotype is when a person or group of people are given certain characteristics based on subjective classifications simply because they belong to a particular group (in-group or out-group), which can be positive or negative. The dual role of women in Indonesian politics is complicated, they often have to balance their responsibilities as housewives with their political roles as activists or leaders. The theoretical analysis that has been given states that the theory of violation of expectations describes a situation where an individual has expectations or hopes for the nonverbal behavior of others. Stereotypes are perceptions or beliefs about groups or people that are based on pre-existing opinions and attitudes.</em></p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Chandra Dimuka Suharno, Febriani Nurul Awaliah, Farah Salma Rubbiyanti, Fawwaz As’ad Rizqullah Sosiologis Politik terhadap Hak Veto PBB: Penolakan terhadap Gencatan Senjata Permanen dalam Konflik di Gaza2024-12-20T16:36:48+07:00Farah Salma Rubbiyantifarahsalmarubbiyanti@gmail.comFawwaz As’ad<p><em>The prolonged conflict in Gaza has raised global concerns, particularly regarding the role of the UN and the use of veto power in addressing the conflict. This article aims to critically examine the use of the UN veto power, especially regarding the rejection of a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza conflict, from sociological view of politics. Using a qualitative approach and analyzing primary and secondary literature, this article highlights the negative implications of the UN veto power and its ethical criticisms in the context of the Gaza conflict. The analysis results show that the Islamic political ethics perspective emphasizes the importance of justice, equality, and recognition of human rights in resolving the conflict. In conclusion, a sustainable solution to the Gaza conflict should involve active participation from the international community, reform of the world security system, and recognition of the basic rights of the Palestinian people.</em></p>2024-12-20T16:29:27+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Farah Salma Rubbiyanti, Fawwaz As’ad Rizqullah Sistem Proporsional Terbuka terhadap Kesadaran Hukum2024-12-21T16:33:39+07:00Achmad Hafy Akmal Moeslimachmadhafyakmalmoeslim@gmail.comBoy Dawud Mochamad<p>The electoral system is a crucial aspect in supporting the existence of democracy in Indonesia. Currently, Indonesia employs an open proportional system in conducting elections. The researcher utilizes a literature study approach to analyze the open proportional system. This electoral system has both positive and negative implications for societal phenomena. On the positive side, it promotes greater transparency among legislative candidates, allowing the public to scrutinize the track records of the candidates they choose. However, on the negative side, it leads to issues such as widespread money politics, high political costs, and the emergence of politicians who prioritize popularity over competence and credibility. Therefore, this journal examines whether the open proportional system is an effective electoral system. The researcher also analyzes its implications for public legal awareness and the participation of society in elections organized by the state.</p>2024-12-21T16:29:34+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Achmad Hafy Akmal Moeslim, Boy Dawud Mochamad Fadillah