JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research) <p>JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research) is a national scientific journal that is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty. <span class="" lang="en"><span class="">The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the multidiscipline area </span></span>First published in 2016 and regularly published two (2) times a year, in March and September.</p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol type="a"> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under aÂ&nbsp;<a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>Â&nbsp;that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (SeeÂ&nbsp;<a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ol> (Hesty Puspita Sari, M.Pd.) (Site Administrator (Mar'atus Sholihah)) Sun, 31 Mar 2024 01:11:19 +0000 OJS 60 UNIVERSITY RESILIENCE TO IMPROVE COMPETITIVENESS IN THE PANDEMIC ERA <p><em>These research purposes are: Understanding the effect of Covid-19 to Colleges of UNISBA and UNU Blitar. Describing the resilience of the Islamic Financial Management System in maintaining competitiveness in the Covid-19 pandemic era at UNISBA and UNU Blitar City. This research uses a qualitative research approach, the type of research is Case Study. The data used in extracting information are primary and secondary data with data collection methods through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. After obtaining field data, the data is processed and analyzed using interactive analysis methods. In an effort to analysis the validity of the data, in this study also analyzed by triangulation. After analyzed by kinds of analysis data, the research showed that:&nbsp; Covid-19 Pandemic on both colleges between UNISBA and UNU are effected on all fields. There is high resilience in both Colleges between UNISBA and UNU Blitar City so that they can not only survive but also be able to compete in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.</em></p> NURUL ISTIQOMAH Copyright (c) 2024 NURUL ISTIQOMAH Sun, 31 Mar 2024 01:05:36 +0000 IDENTIFICATION OF SOIL INSECT DIVERSITY AT SIRAH KENCONG TEA PLANTATION AS AN ATLAS SUPPORTING ANIMALIA <p><em>This research &nbsp;purpose to determine the index of soil insect diversity, feasibility and student and teacher responses to the soil insect diversity atlas. Research and Development with the Borg and Gall&nbsp;used in the research&nbsp;method which is limited to the seventh stage. The instrument used was a questionnaire for expert validation, readability and response using a Likert scale. Analyzing the Diversity Index using the Shanon-Weiner formula. With descriptive qualitative&nbsp;as technigue data analysis . The results of the overall diversity index amounted to 2.29 while the diversity index (H') of stations 1, 2 and 3 were 2.32, 2.43 and 1.99 respectively. The results of the validation of material, language, and media experts respectively obtained a score of 84%, 93%, and 90% while the readability of teachers and students obtained a score of 95% and 96%. Teacher and student responses obtained a score of 98%, and 91%. So it can be concluded that the media Atlas of soil insect diversity can be used as a supporting media for animalia material.</em></p> Ayu Siti Mariati Ayu, Marinda Sari Sofiana, Eva Nurul Malayahati Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Siti Mariati Ayu Sun, 31 Mar 2024 02:54:16 +0000 Forensic Linguistics as a Scientific Study in the Field of Law and Justice <p><em>Legal science has various connections with other branches of science. One of them is Forensic Linguistics. So it can be said that legal science is related to the branch of Linguistics. This connection can be seen and studied in the process of investigating and determining suspects. In this case, the researcher took data from the BAP carried out by the Blitar City Police. In the investigation BAP there is a linguistic study which can later play an important role in determining the legal process that the suspect will face. The research was conducted at the Blitar City Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Data obtained from recording and recording BAP. After the data was recorded, it was analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods. From the data obtained, linguistics can help the police in conducting research on suspects.</em></p> Eko Yuliastuti, Miza Rahmatika Aini, Yuno Sukaito Copyright (c) 2024 Eko Yuliastuti, Miza Rahmatika Aini, Yuno Sukaito Sun, 31 Mar 2024 03:26:46 +0000 Water Tourism Potential Science E-Book As A Development Product For Elementary School Learning <p><em>The ICT development today is spurring elementary school students' learning in&nbsp; classroom, so they have analytical skills, critical thinking, and superior competence. Good learning must be carried out with the learning objectives. Researchers carried out preliminary observations for obtaining the needs of teachers and students in learning science in elementary schools in Blitar. Observation findings state that teachers tend to use conventional teaching materials and students tend to get bored in visualization-based learning, like water cycle material in sciences. Researchers propose research and development for products in form of Science E-Books about the potential for water tourism to spur student achievement in water cycle material. Researchers carry out 7 out of 10 stages of research only because of limited time, manpower, and funds. Design production is validated by material, media, and language experts with respective average scores of 86%, 84%, and 91%, all of which are classified as valid. Then researcher also carried out product readability test on teachers and students with an average score of 96% and 87%, all of which were also valid. Thus, the development of the Science E-Book can be used by teachers to spur student achievement in science learning on the water cycle material.</em></p> Ikke Oktaviasari, Marinda Sari Sofiyana, Desy Anindia Rosyida Copyright (c) 2024 Ikke Oktaviasari, Marinda Sari Sofiyana, Desy Anindia Rosyida Sun, 31 Mar 2024 03:49:21 +0000 Communication Patterns of Counselors with Counseling Patients at the Cilegon City National Narcotics Agency <p><em>The research explains the communication patterns of counselors with counseling patients of the Cilegon City National Narcotics Agency, with the highest number of adolescent drug addicts in Banten province. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach with in- depth interview techniques to explore informant data. Counseling communication patterns between counselors and counseling patients are the object of research. The research informant selection technique uses purposive sampling or informant determination technique with certain considerations. The main informants in the research are counseling patients and counselors at BNNK Cilegon who are in charge of rehabilitating adolescent drug abuser patients. The results revealed that the counseling communication pattern at BNNK Cilegon is included in the circular pattern, the message interaction process takes place in two directions and the communicant actively conveys message feedback. Counselors apply a counseling technique called client-centered therapy which is based on the equality of counselors and patients, the counseling program at BNNK Cilegon is divided into interpersonal counseling sessions for counselors and patients, family support sessions, and group therapy. This research is expected to be able to provide an overview of interactive counseling communication patterns, as well as provide perceptions to embrace drug addicts to escape drug addiction.</em></p> Prasojo, Heidy Arviani Copyright (c) 2024 Prasojo Sun, 31 Mar 2024 04:48:59 +0000 AUDIENCE'S ACCEPTANCE OF WOMEN'S SEXUAL OBJECTIVES IN THE FILM “SELESAI” (2021) <p><em>This study aims to analyze the audience's reception of the sexual objectification of women in the film Finish (2021). This research method is a qualitative approach method. Data were obtained through in-depth interviews, documentation and literature studies. The results of the study showed that there were differences in interpretation of the acceptance of female sexual objectification in the film Finish (2021) by the informants. The meaning of informants is influenced by the background of each individual which is reproduced repeatedly in everyday life, or the frame of reference and field of experience of the informants. In line with Stuart Hall's reception analysis theory which refers to the encoding-decoding process. With reception analysis, it can be seen that the audience/viewers have an active role in interpreting the meaning in the film.</em></p> Namira Yunita Ahmad, Ririn Puspita Tutiasri, Dyva Clareta, Heidy Arviani Copyright (c) 2024 Namira Yunita Ahmad, Ririn Puspita Tutiasri, Dyva Clareta, Heidy Arviani Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:26:04 +0000 ECOSYSTEM ANIMATION VIDEO (VISIKO) AS MEDIA IN LEARNING ECOSYSTEM MATERIAL IN THE FIFTH GRADE <p>The results of observations and interviews revealed that the use of learning media is still lacking, with most teachers only relying on the lecture method. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of VISIKO (Ecosystem Animation Video) teaching media in teaching ecosystem material to grade V students. This type of research follows the RnD method developed by Sugiyono, with limitations up to the seventh stage, namely product revision. The feasibility assessment of learning media is carried out by a number of experts, including material experts, media experts, and linguists. In addition, the readability score of VISIKO teaching media was tested by involving 10 representative students from grade 5 at SDN Sumberjo 01, as well as 5 teachers from SDN Sumberjo 01, SDN Bajang 01, and SD Alam Al Ghifari Blitar. The results showed that VISIKO (Video Animation Ecosystem) teaching media products received high feasibility scores from various validators, namely material experts by 87.6%, media experts by 98.8%, and linguists by 91.4%. With an average eligibility percentage of 92.6%, this product can be considered very viable. Limited trials involving teachers also resulted in a readability rate of 92.8%, while students gave a readability score of 97.7%. Based on teacher and student assessments, this product is considered very good and very easy to understand, making it suitable for use in learning ecosystem materials for grade 5 students.</p> Muhimatul Aliyah, Marinda Sari Sofiyana, Ida Putriani Copyright (c) 2024 Muhimatul Aliyah, Marinda Sari Sofiyana, Ida Putriani Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:40:35 +0000 Implementation of Child Offenders of Narcotics and Psychotropic Crimes at the Madiun District Court <p>This study discusses the implementation of child perpetrators of narcotics and psychotropic crimes at the Madiun District Court. The choice of topic and background in this study was based on the fact that narcotics abuse has long been a serious problem in various countries, especially in Indonesia. An example of the adverse effects that have occurred in Indonesia, especially for the wider community, is the adverse impact of friendships which often have a negative influence on children. nation. One example is drug abuse. With its legal basis, namely Law number 5 of 1997 concerning psychotropics and Law number 22 of 1997 concerning Narcotics which was later updated to become Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics, Then for criminal sanctions against children who commit basic crimes the law is Law Number 23 of 2002. In the Implementation of Child Offenders of Narcotics and Psychotropic Crimes at the Madiun District Court. The method used is empirical juridical research which is legal research involving various supports from the community or outside parties in accordance with existing law, involving the community or the surrounding environment based on social science. The analysis used is qualitative analysis using interviews, as well as literature studies. Sourced from this method, it can be described the implementation of child perpetrators of narcotics and psychotropic crimes at the Madiun District Court.</p> Raka Kencana Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 Raka Kencana Saputra Sun, 31 Mar 2024 05:53:56 +0000