(Journal of Students Academic Research)2025-01-20T10:34:04+07:00Hesty Puspita Sari, M.Pd.jurnalmahasiswaunisba@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>JOSAR (Journal of Students Academic Research) is a national scientific journal that is open to seeking innovation, creativity, and novelty. This journal publication aims<span class="" lang="en"><span class=""> to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the multidiscipline area. It was </span></span>First published in 2016 and is regularly published two (2) times a year, in March and September.</p> <p> </p> CREDIT RESTRUCTURITATION IN GRESIK RURAL BANK CORPORATION THE IMPACT OF THE SPREAD OF CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 ON DEBTORS WITH PROBLEM LOANS AFTER APPLIYING POJK NUMBER 48/POJK.03/20202024-09-28T07:30:54+07:00Vivi Nur Aziyahviviaziyah6@gmail.comAdhitya Widya<p><em>This study aims to analyze and understand related to the implementation of credit restructuritation and to find out the obstacles and efforts in implementing credit restructuritation during the Covid- 19 pandemic in Gresik rural Bank corporation. This type of research uses an empirical juridical legal research method, where the source of the data obtained is directly from the field through interviews and obtained from literature studies, this research method is descriptive analytical using a qualitative approach. The results of this research are that in order to overcome bad / problem loans due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Gresik Rural Bank Corporation implements a restructuring policy by referring to the standard provisions of POJK Number 48/POJK.03/2020. The form of restructuring provided is the provision of a period of approximately 10 months and does not exceed the time limit in accordance with the provisions of the regulation to make interest- only installments, for arrears the principal will be paid after the credit restructuring is completed. The implementation of this credit restructuring did not escape the obstacles faced by PD.BPR Bank Gresik, these obstacles were caused by external factors from the debtor. Even so the PD. BPR</em></p>2024-09-21T23:04:29+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Vivi Nur Aziyah, Adhitya Widya Kartika of Pop Up Books for Thematic Learning of the Sub-theme of Changes in the Form of Objects2024-09-28T07:33:08+07:00LENNY APRILIAlennyaprilia58@gmail.comIDA PUTRIANIidaputri918@gmail.comSRIPIT<p><em>Limited media facilities and infrastructure for technology-based media in schools require teachers to use print-based media. Students have difficulty understanding thematic learning because of the limitations of interactive media. This research aims to develop pop up book media for thematic learning on the sub-theme of changing the shape of objects that is suitable for use. This research design uses the Borg n Gall's development type up to the evaluation stage. The results of the material expert assessment obtained a percentage of 91.4% with a very feasible category. The results of linguist's assessment got 83.4% categorized feasible. The results of media expert's assessment get 95% it means feasible. Readability of student's test got a percentage of 100% with a very decent category. Student's can read and use pop up books. Readability of teacher's test got 100% with very feasible. So that's pop up book can help teachers in the learning process.</em></p>2024-09-21T23:20:47+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 LENNY APRILIA, IDA PUTRIANI, SRIPIT WIDIASTUTI of Natural and Artificial Ecosystem Diorama Learning Media (Simita) Ecosystem Theme for Class V Students2024-09-22T11:10:49+07:00Debli Dwi Anisadeblianisa4@gmail.comMarinda Sari Sofiyanasarisofiyana@gmail.comMar'atus<p><em>This research focuses on student responses and the feasibility of Simita diorama learning media on an ecosystem theme for class V students. With this focus, this research aims to develop Simita diorama media on an ecosystem theme for class V students. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D), because the research method is used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. The observation stage was carried out at three elementary schools in Blitar, namely MI Hidayatul Ulum, SDN Sanankulon 02, and SDN Karangsari 03. The Simita diorama learning media trial was carried out in the instructional simulation trial stage using 12 students to determine student responses to the Simita diorama learning media. as a participant in a limited trial. The results of the research show that the Simita diorama learning media on ecosystem theme material in class V elementary school has gone through a feasibility test by material expert validators, media experts and language experts. The percentage obtained from material expert validators was 81.3%, media expert validators 91.1%, and language expert validators 85%. Based on the validator results, it can be concluded that the Simita diorama learning media is categorized as appropriate by experts. Based on the analysis of questionnaire data, students' responses to the Simita diorama media obtained a percentage score of 95.8% with very good information</em></p>2024-09-22T11:10:48+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Debli Dwi Anisa, Marinda Sari Sofiyana, Mar'atus Sholihah LEARNING MEDIA SIMULATION OF CHANGES IN SUBSTANCE FORM AND ENERGY FORM: 2024-09-22T13:59:05+07:00Risma Anggreinirismaanggreini046@gmail.comEva Nurul<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>IPAS (Social and Exact Science Education) is a subject in the Kurikulum Merdeka. This subject invite student to recognize natural anomalies by facts. However, results of the researcher's observations on the interest of 4th-grade elementary school students in learning science showed that 93.75% of students experienced difficulties in learning science, especially in the matter of changes in the state of matter and energy forms. So</em><em>,</em><em> based on the results of the theoretical formulation and potential problems, the researcher is interested in proposing the development of a simulation video product. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) based on 7 stages, namely, potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revision, product testing, and product revision due to limitations of materials, time, and manpower. After the prototype product is completed, the researcher validates the content, media, and language with 9 experts, with each having 3 validations: (Content validators, Media validators, Language validators) The test results show that 86% of the material validation, 92% of the media expert validation, and 96% of the language validation, it can be concluded that the simulation video product is very feasible to use with minor revisions. Furthermore, the researchers carried out a teacher and student readability test on the simulation video media. The scores obtained were 91,2% for teachers and 89,2% for students. So that simulation video products able as media supplements in learning</em><em>.</em></p>2024-09-22T13:59:05+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Risma Anggreini, Eva Nurul Malahayati, Adin Fauzi of Cultivating Democratic Character in Civics Learning at SMAN 3 Blitar2024-09-28T07:36:53+07:00CHOIRUL DILLA KHUSNIAWATIChoiruldilla884@gmail.comIDA PUTRI RARASATIidaputri277@gmail.comMINTO<p><em>This research aims to determine the pattern of instilling democratic character in Civics learning at SMAN 3 Blitar. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were students of SMAN 3 Blitar for the 2021/2022 academic year. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation, and documentation with data analysis techniques using source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this research are in the form of learning process that emphasizes the cultivation of democratic character through various democratic habits. The obstacle is the lack of student activity in the learning process and student interest in learning. Efforts to resolve these obstacles include teachers providing examples in familiarizing students with democratic culture. The research results obtained were that through the process of instilling democratic character by teachers in students, students were more active and had democratic culture habits, especially in Civics learning.</em></p>2024-09-28T07:36:52+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 CHOIRUL DILLA KHUSNIAWATI, IDA PUTRI RARASATI, MINTO SANTOSO of a Warehouse Shoe Lamp Automation System Using Motion Sensors Based on the Internet of Things (IoT)2024-09-28T07:39:24+07:00Pandu Mardya Wijayapandumardyawijaya30061@gmail.comAbdi Pandu Kusumapans.uib1blitar@gmail.comRizki Dwi<p><em>This research presents the design and development of a monitoring and control system for warehouse lighting using the SR501 passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor, which is based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The goal of this research is to improve the comfort, efficiency, and security of the Jeensneakers Shoe Warehouse in Kedawung, Nglegok, Blitar. By introducing IoT-based automatic lights accessed through a smartphone, users can monitor and control the lights remotely, making lighting usage more effective and efficient. The research employs a prototype design using ESP32 and PIR sensors, conducted through survey methods, observations, and interviews. The testing results show that the automatic lights can be controlled remotely using a smartphone, and the motion sensor can function as a security feature for the Jeensneakers shoe warehouse. The evaluation of the IoT-based automatic lighting system was considered feasible, with an 80% acceptance rate from experts, indicating a sufficient level of feasibility.</em></p>2024-09-28T07:39:23+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Pandu Mardya Wijaya, Abdi Pandu Kusuma, Rizki Dwi Romadhona VALUES IN THE LARUNG SESAJI TRADITION IN TAMBAKREJO VILLAGE, WONOTIRTO DISTRICT, BLITAR DISTRICT2024-09-28T07:42:27+07:00Udin Erawantoudinerawanto3@gmail.comMiranu<p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p><em>The aim of the research was to explore information about the Pancasila values contained in the larung sesaji in Tambakrejo, including vital, material and spiritual values. In determining sources, purposive sampling techniques were used. To obtain information using in-depth interview techniques, observation and documentation. Data analysis uses the Milles and Huberman model. Research results: the tradition of larung sesaji in Tambakrejo Village has: 1) <strong>material valu</strong>e, to meet the physical needs of community members eating three times a day in the form of rice, vegetables and side dishes 2) <strong>vital value</strong>, in the form of equipment used by fishermen such as boats, nets, hooks, flashlights, sarongs, jackets, scales, barrels where fish are caught. 3) <strong>spiritual values</strong>, there is a prayer event to express gratitude, pray for protection from all dangers and disasters, and pray for the spirits of deceased ancestors. The values of Pancasila are also found in the tradition of celebrating larung sesaji, such as: <strong>The first principle of Pancasila</strong>, namely the religious behavior of believing in the Almighty God and living in harmony between fellow believers. <strong>The value of the second principle of Pancasila</strong> is reflected in the social behavior of sharing good fortune, acting fairly, respecting each other, and helping people in need. <strong>The third principle of Pancasila</strong> is to unite, work together to prepare events and contribute morally, energy, thoughts and materials. <strong>The value of the fourth principle of Pancasila</strong> is the habit of deliberation (rembug deso), respecting and implementing the results of joint decisions for the smoothness and success of the event. <strong>The value of the fifth principle of Pancasila</strong>, all those present at the event are treated equally, there is no discrimination, they are aware of their rights and obligations to make the event a success.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Values, Pancasila, Larung Sesaji</p>2024-09-28T07:42:27+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Udin Erawanto, Miranu Triantoro Communication Skill Through A Cultural Literacy2024-09-28T07:50:53+07:00BINTI SUAIDAH<p><em>Children born in the 21st century are required to be critical-minded, creative, communicative and able to collaborate because the 21st century is a digital century where everything uses technology and information systems. This requires parents to be media literate to keep up with the times but unfortunately not all parents are media literate which results in not all children being able to develop abilities according to the needs of this digital century. This article tries to review the relationship between the cultivation of literacy culture and the development of children's communication skills taken from the results of a case study of one of the students in the Playgroup class of PAUD Kuncup Melati Pandan Badas Kediri.</em></p>2024-09-28T07:50:53+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 BINTI SUAIDAH HANUR Of Automatic Clothes Folding Device Based On Arduino Uno (Liquid Crystal Display) For Clothes Convection2024-12-14T20:24:37+07:00ahmad zaenul muttaqinahmadzaenul20@gmail.comAbdi Pandu Kusumapans.uib1blitar@gmail.comYusniarsi<p><em>Folding clothes is an important job in a convection, where when folding clothes must be neat so that when packing, consumers become interested. But many think that folding clothes is boring. From this problem, the researcher produced an automatic clothes folding device based on Arduino uno. It is hoped that it can make it easier and shorten the time in folding clothes in the middle to lower convection. The purpose of design and research is to be able to design and make a folding device with automatic drive, the size of the shirt that can be folded with an automatic mechanism folding device, namely Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L). This tool uses three servos for the drive, LCD and buzzer as a reporter of the display and sound. By testing the feasibility of the hardware and the entire prototype of the automatic folding tool used at the Ririn Tailor Convection in Blitar Regency, based on two sources, the first from the user test, the results of the user test that has been carried out 3 times per person obtained a value of 72,6% of the average percentage of each user test because it has not been exposed to water, then the second source of robotics system experts with 3 tests got a score of 75% because, the existence of construction less solid so less for the long term.</em></p>2024-09-28T07:59:18+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 ahmad zaenul muttaqin, Abdi Pandu Kusuma, Yusniarsi Primasari the Efficacy of the EJOY English Application to Escalate Eleventh-Grade Students’ Speaking Proficiency2024-09-28T08:02:48+07:00Winda Ocvi SaskianaWindasaskiana77@gmail.comDian Fadhilawatidianfadhilawati@yahoo.comMiza Rahmatika<p><em>This study assessed the EJOY application’s efficacy in enhancing eleventh-grade students' oral proficiency in explaining natural phenomena, focusing on pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, grammar, and content. Pre-experimental research utilizing a one-group pretest and post-test design covered thirty-five students at SMAN 1 Blitar, especially class XI-MIPA3. The study unfolded in three phases: pretest, treatment, and post-test, with a preliminary tryout to ensure test validity and reliability. Data analysis, conducted using a paired sampled T-test with SPSS 26, revealed a significant improvement in students' speaking achievement in explanation texts. Rising from 72.00 to 80.62. In addition, the Sig 2 tailed was under 0.05. It was stated that the Ejoy application effectively improves students’ speaking skills. From the findings, students should use the EJOY application in English to refine their speaking skills. Further, English educators are advised to integrate the EJOY Application to enhance learning outcomes or incorporate it into other topics to create more engaging and interactive curricula tailored to specific learning objectives. </em></p>2024-09-28T08:02:48+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Winda Ocvi Saskiana, Dian Fadhilawati, Miza Rahmatika Aini Architectural Decodification of Twin Towers: An Investigation into Cultural Communication and Related Symbolism Unrecognized by the Surrounding Community2024-10-15T23:54:38+07:00Rahilla An-Najwarahilla2005@gmail.comTalita Fa'adihilah<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The people of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya often hear the word "Twin Towers". In English, Twin Towers means towering towers or places. Most of the UIN Sunan Ampel community argues that, "in essence, the twin tower symbol symbolizes UINSA students are expected not to master religious knowledge only but if possible other sciences such as science etc." based on interviews conducted by researchers about understanding the value contained in the design and space of twin towers. This research is descriptive and qualitative. Twin Towers UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya is the subject of research. Data was collected through interviews, documentation, and several book and journal references. Interviews were conducted to find out how students understand the value embodied in Twin Towers space and design and to gain a better understanding of Twin Towers space and design in a cultural context. As a result, we will know more about the motifs, symbols, and cultural values reflected in the architecture and interior decoration of buildings, as well as the use of architectural language that describes religious or regional identities. </em><em>The results of this study show that researchers found a lot of philosophies that need to be practiced by the people of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya in addition to balancing between general science and religion. That is, it is expected that the entire community of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya will participate in promoting culture and religious values and culture because the Twin Towers Design combines elements of Indonesian culture, such as Javanese architectural motifs and modern elements. </em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"> </p>2024-09-28T08:13:24+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahilla An-Najwa, Talita Fa'adihilah Tahnia Effect of Interactive Power Point Learning Media Based on Local Wisdom on Dancing Skills in Elementary School Students2024-12-14T20:29:46+07:00Angga Ulfa Yudha<p><em>This research is motivated by the problems faced by grade 2 students at SDN 1 Dongko, namely lack of understanding in detail about local wisdom, namely turonggo yakso dances starting from history, movements, as well as tools and materials used in performances, students are less motivated in participating in the learning process in dance subjects because the media used by teachers is still limited to the blackboard and extracurricular dance at school is still insufficient. While the problems experienced by teachers are that teachers are less focused in the learning process because teachers have busy obligations for performance reporting requested by the ministry, teachers also provide information related to facilities and infrastructure that support dance are also inadequate in the school and the school lacks teaching staff in the field of art, information from the results of interviews to hire a dance coach is also relatively expensive. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of local wisdom-based interactive power point learning media on dance skills in elementary school students. the research method used is quantitative method with Quasi Experimental Design research design and the design used is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The samples in this study were class 2A students as the experimental class and class 2B as the control class. The average score obtained from students' dance skills after being given treatment is 88.43, then the data is tested with a hypothesis acquisition of 0.002 <0.05, then Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that interactive power point learning media based on local wisdom has an effect on the dance skills of grade 2 students of SDN 1 Dongko.</em></p>2024-09-28T08:17:23+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Angga Setiawan, Maria Ulfa Yudha Julistiyana AND REGENERATION STRATEGIES OF TURONGGO YAKSO MUDO TRADITIONAL ARTS AT SDN 2 SUMBEREJO2024-09-28T08:30:27+07:00Gerry<p>This study focused on identifying challenges and formulating strategies needed for the regeneration of Turonggo Yakso Mudo traditional art at SDN 2 Sumberejo. Turonggo Yakso Mudo art was one of the cultural heritages that not only has aesthetic value, but also functions as a medium to maintain local cultural identity and strengthen social ties in Sumberejo Village. However, this art faced various significant challenges in the modern era, including the declining interest of the younger generation in traditional arts and decreasing support from the local community.</p> <p>This study used a qualitative descriptive research, with data collection methods through direct observation, in-depth interviews with teachers and artists at SDN 2 Sumberejo, and analysis of relevant documentation. The results of the study indicated that the main challenges in the regeneration of Turonggo Yakso Mudo art included the low enthusiasm of the younger generation, limited resources for practice and performances, and the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which has significantly hampered cultural activities. These challenges was further exacerbated by modernization that shifts people's entertainment preferences towards a more global and digital direction.</p> <p>However, this study also found that there was several effective strategies that can be applied to face these challenges. These strategies included improving cultural education through school curriculum, actively involving communities in arts activities, and using technology and social media to expand the reach of promotion and attract the interest of the younger generation in this traditional art. With the implementation of the right strategy, it is hoped that Turonggo Yakso Mudo art can e continued to live and develop even in the midst of changing times.</p> <p>Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the regeneration of Turonggo Yakso Mudo art at SDN 2 Sumberejo requires close cooperation between schools, communities, and government. Only with good synergy and a comprehensive approach could the sustainability of this cultural tradition be guaranteed and passed on to the next generation.</p>2024-09-28T08:30:26+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Gerry Ironika “ERT (ENGLISH RECOUNT TEXT)” APPLICATION FOR TEACHING WRITING TO TENTH GRADE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS2024-09-28T08:39:29+07:00Suci Nurjanahsucinurjanah217@gmail.comHesty Puspita<p><strong>Abstract </strong></p> <p><em>This study aimed to establish</em> <em>the potency of the ERT application as a learning tool in writing class X learners in high school. The researchers created a writing lesson application by employing research and development (R&D) design. According to the findings of class X student interviews at SMAN 1 Sutojayan and SMAN 1 Kademangan, the researcher discovered that students had writing difficulties. </em><em>The study's participants were twenty randomly chosen students from the two schools and five randomly chosen teachers in Blitar Regency. The ERT Application's findings indicate that: (1) this application comprises of writing exercises and recount text material, and it comes with two guidebooks for teachers and students; (2) the validity of this application as a learning tool, with 89% of the information and 84% of the media being validated; (3) both teachers and students had favorable opinions of the ERT application as a teaching tool. While the ERT model</em> <em>received an overall student response of 86% and an overall teacher response of 86% in the product test findings, both groups highly agreed with ERT application. The product significantly influences how well students can produce recount</em><em> It is reliable and suitable for use as a teaching and learning tool.</em></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Developing, ERT-Application, Writing, Recount Text</em></p>2024-09-28T08:39:28+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suci Nurjanah, Hesty Puspita Sari Toddler: The Psycholinguistic Dynamic of Early Language Acquisition2025-01-16T22:24:19+07:00Wawan<p><em>An interdisciplinary field called psycholinguistics studies how children speak about what they learn in communication and how their language skills grow as they interact with those around them, revealing psychological processes at work. The psycholinguistic perspective on children's initial language acquisition is the background of this study. The language acquisition process is lengthy and intricate, beginning when a child is non-fluent and continuing until they achieve fluency. This study aims to pinpoint the psycholinguistic processes that underlie young children's language development and how social interactions impact language learning. The study used a qualitative descriptive methodology, utilizing direct observation and parent and child caregiver interviews to gather data. The study's findings indicate that social interaction and the surrounding environment are significant in quickening language learning</em></p>2024-09-28T09:05:46+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Wawan Setyawan Implementation of Good Governance Principles in Permit Issuance Services (Study at the Intelligence Security Unit, Blitar City Police Resort)2024-09-28T09:38:32+07:00Rizki Ameilia Nugrahaameiliarzki11@gmail.comFerida Asih<p><em>This research is motivated by the lack of public understanding regarding the procedures and requirements for the issuance of permits at the intelligence security unit of the Blitar City Police Resort. This study uses a descriptive method, employing Sedarmayanti's theory of good governance principles, which include accountability, transparency, participation, and the rule of law. The study's findings show that, on the whole, good governance concepts have been applied effectively when issuing licenses. The supporting factors for the implementation of good governance principles in the issuance of permits include human resources, public participation, equipment, as well as organization and management. However, there are some obstacles in the implementation of good governance principles in the issuance of permits, consisting of internal and external factors.</em></p>2024-09-28T09:38:32+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rizki Ameilia Nugraha, Ferida Asih Wiludjeng, Sutowo OF PUBLIC SERVICES IN ISSUING CERTIFICATES OF INDIGENCE AT THE KAWEDUSAN VILLAGE OFFICE2024-09-28T09:51:33+07:00Ahmad Ridha Amrullah<p><em>This study discusses the quality of public service in the issuance of certificates of indigence at the Kawedusan Village Office, Ponggok District, Blitar Regency. The quality of public service can be measured using five dimensions: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. The research was conducted from March to May 2024. This study employs a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, using data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, documentation, and data analysis through triangulation. Informants were selected using purposive sampling. The findings of this study indicate that the quality of public service in the issuance of certificates of indigence (SKTM) at the Kawedusan Village Office meets the tangible dimension, as evidenced by the availability of service tools such as computers and printers, as well as a clean and comfortable service area. The reliability dimension is met through the staff's ability to operate service tools and maintain good service quality standards. The responsiveness dimension is demonstrated by quick, accurate, and responsive service. The assurance dimension is fulfilled by timely service guarantees and service legality assurance. The empathy dimension is evidenced by the friendly, polite, and respectful attitude of the staff in providing service, valuing each applicant who comes in, and prioritizing the applicant's needs. This research highlights the importance of internet-based programs such as electronic queuing systems and online service applications to enhance efficiency and accuracy in service delivery.</em></p>2024-09-28T09:51:32+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Ridha Amrullah , Nuryanti, Sutowo Planner and Self-Assessment of Recount Writing Ability among Junior High School Students2024-10-09T04:33:44+07:00Siti Sribudiatiwsbudiati@gmail.comSanwal<p><em>This study aims to explore whether the use of text planner combined with self- assessment affects students' recount text writing ability at junior high school students. The research employed a pre-experimental method using a one-group pretest- posttest design. The participants were 32 students from class VIII-H of SMP Negeri 1 Turen. The results showed a significant improvement in the students' recount writing performance from pretest to posttest. The average score increased from 67.27 to 80.08, indicating that the intervention of using a text planner combined with self-assessment has a positive impact. The Paired Samples T-test further confirmed the statistical significance of this improvement, with a p-value of 0.000, which is less than the standard significance level of 0.05. These findings suggest that the use of a text planner to guide the organization of recount texts, combined with self-assessment to enable students to critically evaluate their own writing, can be an effective approach to improve junior high school students' recount writing ability. The study provides valuable insights for educators seeking to implement evidence- based strategies to support students' development in this genre of writing. In addition, due to the limitation of this study, it is reccommended for futrure researchers to conduct research on the different text type and the implementattion in the different level of students so that the use of text planner combined withh self-assessment can be generalized as an effective way to teach English Writing Skill. </em></p>2024-10-08T23:21:59+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Mafulah, Sanwal Haider, Wiwik Sribudiati Implementation Of Android-Based Game "Climbing Castle" To Improve Grammar Mastery: A Classroom Action Research To Grade 8 Students At Smpn 3 Sutojayan Blitar2024-10-09T22:28:49+07:00Nita SutantiNitasutanti@gmail.comBahrul Ulumbahrululum@gmail.comYeni<p>This classroom action research aims to enhance the grammar mastery of Grade 8 students at SMPN 3 Sutojayan through the implementation of the Android-based game "Climbing Castle." The study was conducted over a cycle, consisting of planning, action, observation, and reflection phases. Data were collected using tests, observations, and interviews to evaluate students' progress and engagement. The results indicate a significant improvement in students' grammar mastery, with increased motivation and participation in learning activities. The increasing opf Students’ motivation affect the <em>students’s</em> score in learning grammar by 42%. The interactive and engaging nature of the "Climbing Castle" game proved to be an effective tool in creating a conducive learning environment, thus facilitating better grammar comprehension among students. This research highlights the potential of educational games in enhancing language learning outcomes and suggests further exploration into integrating technology-based methods into the curriculum. Further research is needed to investigate the effectiveness of Android Based game, Climbing Castle, in different contexts and with different groups of students.</p>2024-10-09T22:28:48+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nita Sutanti, Bahrul Ulum, Yeni Farinawati Esteem And Dynamics of Bullying In School Students Basis In Blitar District2024-12-14T20:20:28+07:00Luky Priyantoluky.aseli@gmail.comNanda Istiqomahnandaistpakis@gmail.comAmelia Nanda<p><em>The phenomenon of bullying in school environments is a major concern in the fields of education and mental health because of its broad impact on children's well-being. Self- esteem is one of the psychological aspects that is often associated with involvement in bullying, both as a perpetrator and a victim. Incidentbullyingis a phenomenon that never ends from time to time. Every year new cases of criminal behavior emerge.bullywhich is more common in school environments. One of the contributing factors is becauseSelf Esteem(Self-Esteem) is low or high whereSelf Esteem(Self-Esteem) which refers to an individual's self-evaluation. This study is to explore the relationship betweenSelf Esteem(Self- Esteem) at riskbullyingin adolescent elementary school students in Blitar Regency. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive correlation design with a quantitative approach. cross sectionalwith a sample size of 74 respondents using the techniquetotal sampling. The instruments used arerosenberg self esteem scale(RSES) andOlweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire(OBVQ). Data were analyzed univariately and bivariately. Univariate test of gender, descriptionSelf Esteem(Self-Esteem) and riskBullyingusing frequency distribution and bivariate using testChi square. Most of the respondents experiencedSelf Esteem(high self-esteem, namely 39 people (52.7%) and the majority of respondents experienced the risk of bullyinglow, namely 33 people (44.6%). The results of the study using statistical testschi squareobtained valueP-Vavalue=0.000 < 0.05. The results of the study showed a relationship Self Esteem(Self-Esteem) at riskbullyingin elementary school children in Blitar Regency in 2024</em></p>2024-10-18T12:19:11+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 luky priyanto OF FACE PAINTING AS A STRATEGY TO DEVELOP SELF-CONFIDENCE IN CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN SPECIAL SCHOOLS2025-01-20T10:34:04+07:00Lataniya Fie<p>Face painting activities have been widely used as an interactive art form that not only provides entertainment, but also has therapeutic potential in developing children's emotional and social skills, especially for children with special needs. This study aims to explore the implementation of face painting as a strategy to increase the self-confidence of children with special needs in Special Schools (SLB). The method used is a qualitative approach with the techniques used, namely observation and interviews. Participants in this study were teachers, students with special needs, and parents at SLB Kemala Trenggalek. The results of the study showed that face painting<em> activities </em>were able to create a pleasant learning atmosphere, strengthen social interactions, and encourage children to be more confident in expressing themselves. In addition, the involvement of children in the process of choosing the design and color of the face painting also increased their sense of autonomy and personal satisfaction. Children with special needs at SLB Kemala Trenggalek showed their self-confidence by forming face painting in a creative way. This study concludes that face painting can be implemented as an alternative strategy for developing the self-confidence of children with special needs in an inclusive school environment. The recommendation for education practitioners is to utilize creative and interactive methods that can be adapted to the needs of individual children. In addition, the recommendation for schools is as an additional learning model for children so that children are more creative and skilled in developing their qualities, then with face painting children can be creative and express emotions and creative abilities within themselves.</p> <p> </p>2025-01-20T10:31:35+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Lataniya Fie Dzikry