Grafting : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian <p><strong>Grafting : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian</strong> adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh departemen pertanian untuk para peneliti dan dosen yang ingin menerbitkan atau mempublikasikan penelitiannya. Tujuan jurnal ini adalah untuk memfasilitasi publikasi ilmiah dari hasil penelitian di Indonesia dan berpartisipasi dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas penelitian bagi akademisi dan peneliti. Jurnal Grafting diterbitkan 2 kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Maret dan September.<br><strong>Grafting</strong> berfokus pada pertanian termasuk Hortikultura, Agronomi, Pemuliaan tanaman, Ilmu tanah, Perlindungan tanaman, Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Manajemen Agribisnis, Komunikasi dan pemberdayaan pertanian.</p> Universitas Islam Balitar en-US Grafting : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pertanian 2088-2440 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li>Copyright on any article is retained by the author(s).</li> <li>The author grants the journal, right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li> <li>The article and any associated published material is distributed under the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a></li> </ol> ANALISIS KELAYAKAN FINANSIAL USAHA PEMBENIHAN IKAN NILA LARASATI (0REOCHROMIS NILOTICUS) STUDI KASUS USAHA BAPAK MALIK DI DESA KOTALINTANG ACEH TAMIANG <p><strong>This study aims to analyze the financial feasibility of Mr. Malik's Larasati Tilapia (<em>Orechromis niloticus</em>) Hatchery in Kotalintang Village, Aceh Tamiang. This study uses a case study method and is analyzed descriptively quantitatively using Microsoft Excel tools. Data collection methods used are primary data and secondary data. Respondents in this study were Mr. Malik as the owner and manager of the Larasati Tilapia (<em>Orechromis niloticus)</em> hatchery business. The analysis that is calculated is Production Cost, Revenue, Profit, Net Present Value (NPV), Net B/C, Internal Rate Of Return (IRR), and Payback Period. The results obtained from this study are as follows: 1) The investment cost incurred is IDR 37,490,000. total production costs incurred Rp.121,027,000.&nbsp; Total Revenue of IDR 258,500,000.&nbsp; The profit earned is IDR 137,473,000. 2) Net Present Value (NPV) of IDR 53,418,844 is greater than 0,&nbsp; Net B/C Ratio of 2.42 greater than 1,&nbsp; Internal Rate Of Return (IRR) of 50.58% greater than the interest rate of 10.5%, and Payback Period (PP) of 2.2 years less than 5 years so it can be concluded that it can be concluded that Mr. Mailik's larasati tilapia hatchery in Kotalintang Village, Aceh Tamiang is feasible to run or continue because it is profitable for Mr Malik</strong>.</p> Kartika Sari Kartika Sari Thursina Mahyuddin Supritiswendi Supritiswendi Copyright (c) 2024 Kartika Sari Kartika Sari, Thursina Mahyuddin, Supritiswendi Supritiswendi 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 14 1 1 11 10.35457/grafting.v14i1.3247 KOMPOSISI MEDIA TANAM DAN DOSIS PUPUK NPK TERHADAP TUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN TERUNG (Solanum melongena L.) <p><strong>Eggplant is a horticultural crop that is very important for society. One effort to increase production is by providing soil, manure and NPK fertilizer. This research aims to determine the effect of planting media and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of eggplant (<em>Solanum melongena</em> L.) variety Mustang F1. This research was conducted in Krajan Hamlet, Kebonsari Village, Kademangan District, Blitar Regency, East Java Province in February-April 2023. The research was prepared using (RAK) factorial with two factors, namely the composition of the planting media (M) and the dose of NPK fertilizer (D). Each treatment had 3 repetitions. Observations will be carried out after 10 days after planting, with an observation interval of 20 days, the observation parameters include plant height, stem base diameter, fruit diameter, and fruit weight. The research results showed that the combination treatment between the composition of the planting media and the dose of NPK fertilizer had a significant effect on plant height, stem base diameter, fruit diameter and fruit weight.</strong></p> Adi Bayu Saputro Aji Palupi Puspitorini Army Dita Serdani Jeka Widiatmanta Agung Setya Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 Adi Bayu Saputro Aji, Palupi Puspitorini, Army Dita Serdani, Jeka Widiatmanta 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 14 1 12 18 10.35457/grafting.v14i1.3280 PENGARUH MEDIA TANAM DAN PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR BONGGOL PISANG (Musa sp.) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN BAWANG MERAH ( Allium cepa L.) <p><strong>Shallots are a horticultural crop that is very important for society. One effort to increase production is by providing Banana Weevil POC. This research aims to determine the effect of planting media and liquid organic fertilizer from banana weevil (<em>Musa sp</em>.) on the growth and yield of local varieties of shallot plants (<em>Allium cepa</em> L.). This research was carried out on residential land located at Bendorejo Hamlet, Bendosewu Village, Talun District, Blitar Regency. In April-June 2023. The research was prepared using (RAK) factorial with two factors, namely the composition of the planting media (M) and the concentration of Banana Weevil POC (D), with each treatment having 3 replications. Observations were made after the plants were 7 days after planting, with an observation interval of 14 days. The observation parameters include plant height, number of leaves, number of tubers, and tuber weight. The results of the research showed that the combination treatment of cow dung and Banana Weevil POC with a concentration of 10 ml had a significant effect on plant height, number of tubers and tuber weight. However, it has no effect on the number of leaves.</strong></p> Waloyo Mokti wibowo Palupi Puspitorini Tri Kurniastuti Jeka Widiatmanta Copyright (c) 2024 Waloyo Mokti wibowo, Palupi Puspitorini, Tri Kurniastuti, Jeka Widiatmanta 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 14 1 19 24 10.35457/grafting.v14i1.3281 STRATEGI PEMASARAN SEDUHAN DAUN BELIMBING <p><strong>The marketing strategy is the most important component in marketing the decoction of star fruit leaves which is a new innovative product. This study aims to: Know the marketing strategy for Carambola Leaf steeping products and Know the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in marketing Carambola leaf steeping. This research design uses Qualitative Method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique and obtained as many as 28 respondents consisting of producers and consumers. Data analysis used descriptive analysis techniques and SWOT analysis. The results of the SWOT analysis found that there were 4 strategic points that needed to be carried out, namely: Increasing the selection of quality raw materials and quality tea, Adding partnerships with Karangsari government agencies and also industry parties related to the marketing of starfruit leaf infusion, Increasing training to HR, Adding production variants according to people's tastes.</strong></p> Yasti Prihadianti Tri Kurniastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Yasti Prihadianti 2024-03-25 2024-03-25 14 1 25 35 10.35457/grafting.v14i1.3275 RESPON PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL TANAMAN JAGUNG (Zea mays L.) VARIETAS BISI 18 TERHADAP JARAK TANAM DAN PUPUK BOKASHI <p>Penelitian ini fokus pada jagung varietas Bisi-18, tanaman hibrida yang populer di daerah tropis. Dikenal di Indonesia sejak awal 1980-an melalui persilangan, jagung Bisi 18 menjadi komoditas komersial yang digemari masyarakat karena penanamannya yang sederhana. Dilakukan di lahan percobaan di SMKN1 Kademangan Kabupaten Blitar antara Januari-April 2023, penelitian menggunakan alat tradisional seperti cangkul dan meteran, serta benih jagung manis varietas hibrida dan pupuk organik bokhasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan dua faktor utama: Jarak Tanam (J1 = 70 x 30 cm, J2 = 70 x 40 cm, J3 = 70 x 50 cm) dan Dosis Pupuk Bokhasi (B1 = 10 ton/ha, B2 = 20 ton/ha, B3 = 30 ton/ha). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi jarak tanam (70x30) dan dosis pupuk bokhasi (30 ton/ha) memberikan pengaruh positif secara signifikan pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung, mencakup tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, jumlah daun, diameter dan panjang tongkol, bobot biji per tongkol, serta bobot 100 butir kering/pipilan. Sebanyak 27 satuan kombinasi perlakuan diulang 3 kali, dan hasil penelitian memberikan rekomendasi untuk optimalisasi pertumbuhan dan hasil jagung Bisi-18 di lingkungan tersebut.</p> Ahmad Budi Setiawan Tri Endrawati Palupi Puspitorini Tri Kurniastuti Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Budi Setiawan, Tri Endrawati, Palupi Puspitorini, Tri Kurniastuti 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 14 1 36 46 10.35457/grafting.v14i1.3379