Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan2024-07-31T10:33:46+07:00Editor jurnal Journal Systems<p>Jurnal AVES diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Peternakan</p> <p>Universitas Islam Balitar (UNISBA) Blitar</p> MODEL KANDANG LITTER DAN RAK PADA SISTEM KANDANG CLOSE HOUSE TERHADAP PERFORMAN AYAM BROILER DI EGI FARM KABUPATEN BLITAR2024-07-29T22:07:37+07:00Fani Andika Saputra Saputrafaniandika56@gmail.comRisma Novela Estinovelarisma@gmail.comResti Yuliana<p><strong>The structure of the cage system is one of the factors determining the comfort of broiler chickens when reared. So it is necessary to pay attention to the cage model that is built appropriately to obtain optimal broiler chicken performance. This research aims to test and analyze the effectiveness of the performance of broiler chickens kept in rack and litter cage models. This research was carried out at Egi Farm, Blitar Regency, using 2 different cage models, namely rack and litter cage models. Data were analyzed using the Independent samples T-test. The parameters taken in this study were feed consumtion, body weight gain (PBB), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and mortality. The research results showed that the use of 2 different cage models, namely the rack and litter cage models, had an influence on feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion and mortality. The rack cage model obtained better chicken performance results with an average value of feed consumption during rearing of 1072.67 grams/head, a body weight gain value of 56.59 grams/head and an FCR value of 1.39. Meanwhile, litter cages had an average feed consumption value of 1017.45 grams/head, body weight gain of 50.67 grams/head and FCR value of 1.47. The rack cage model has a lower mortality rate than the litter cage model. Broiler chickens reared in rack style cages performed better compared to litter model cages</strong></p>2024-07-29T22:01:55+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 AVES: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan PENDAPATAN PETERNAKAN AYAM BROILER POLA KEMITRAAN DI MARIOTO FARM KABUPATEN BLITAR2024-07-30T10:15:04+07:00Achmad Abdul Rochim Rochimrochimmoenwesi32@gmail.comSalnan Irba Novaela Samur samursalnanirba.novaelasamur@gmail.comAgustina<p><strong>Broiler chicken farming is a business that is easy for everyone to run. Independent broiler chicken farming businesses often face higher risks, one of the factors being the selling price which tends to be below the cost of goods sold, so farmers often experience losses. Partnership pattern broiler chicken farming is a way to reduce existing risks. Income is one of the important references for breeders to continue their partnership business. The general public must know the income earned by breeders from partnership farming businesses. Research conducted at Marioto Farm used descriptive quantitative methods by describing the results of farmers' income during six production periods. The results of the research obtained show that the total production costs were IDR 510,809,226. Meanwhile, the revenue obtained during the six production periods by partnering with partnerships was IDR 550,484,370. The income received by farmers while running a partnership system livestock business is IDR 41,626,545. The income obtained is income for six production periods. The R/C ratio value obtained shows a result of 1.08, indicating that this livestock business is suitable to be continued. The production BEP obtained during the six production periods was 22,496 kg and the BEP price was IDR 21,031. The conclusion of this research is that the income of farmers by partnering with partnerships earns a total income of IDR 41,626,545. This is quite a large amount for home scale farming. The livestock business in partnership deserves to be continued again</strong></p>2024-07-30T10:13:19+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 AVES: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan KELAYAKAN USAHA PETERNAKAN AYAM PETELUR AMANAH FARM DI KABUPATEN BLITAR2024-07-31T10:33:46+07:00Audi Rochman Prasetyoaudi.rochman@yahoo.comalfan setya winurdanaalfanyadana@gmail.comedya moelia<p> <strong><em>This research was carried out at "Amanah Farm" Blitar regency. The purpose of this research was to determine feasibility layer farming were profitable and efficient. Respondent in this study was a owner and employes of the layer farming “Amanah Farm". Data collection was held on March 1<sup>th</sup> to 31<sup>th</sup> March, 2023. Primary data and secondary data (1 year) was obtained by survey method, using a structured questionary. Data were analysed by descriptive and quantitative analysed. Descriptive analysed using economic formulations, namely profit, revenue cost ratio (R/C ratio), break even point (BEP), and rentability. The research results show that the "Amanah Farm" livestock business is worthy of development. This livestock business is profitable judging from the total production costs, namely IDR. 15,660 per kilogram of eggs with revenues of IDR. 23,222 per kilogram of eggs, resulting in a net profit of IDR. 7,487 per kilogram of eggs. This livestock business is efficient seen from the BEP value of the egg price of IDR. 15,693 per kilogram and BEP egg yield 30,073 kilograms per month, R/C ratio value of 1.48 and economic profitability of 48.49% and business profitability value of 48.01%.</em></strong></p>2024-07-31T10:32:14+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 AVES: Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan