Qua Teknika2025-02-10T11:18:38+07:00Editor jurnal QUATEKNIKAquateknikajurnal@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-12"> <div class="img-responsive">Memuat artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian kritis bidang ilmu-ilmu teknik, terapan, rekayasa, dan aplikasinya. teknik elektro: arus kuat, arus lemah, hardware, software, instrumen dan kontrol; terknik sipil: material bangunan, manajemen kontruksi, transportasi, struktur dan keairan.</div> </div> </div> BANGUN SISTEM PENYIRAM TANAMAN INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) MENGGUNAKAN BLYNK2024-10-15T08:20:51+07:00Alvin<p>Pada era digital saat ini, kemajuan teknologi telah menyebabkan perubahan besar dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan, termasuk di bidang pertanian. Salah satu inovasi yang muncul adalah penggunaan <em>Internet of Things</em> (IoT) untuk mendukung pertanian modern. Pemanfaatan IoT dalam sistem penyiraman tanaman bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah seperti perubahan cuaca yang tiba-tiba dan variasi kondisi lingkungan. Penelitian ini mengembangkan sistem penyiraman tanaman otomatis berbasis <em>Internet of Things</em> (IoT), untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pengelolaan irigasi di bidang pertanian, membantu para petani di Indonesia mengatasi keterlambatan penyiraman tanaman. Dengan aplikasi <em>Blynk</em>, pengguna dapat mengendalikan sistem dari jarak jauh. Sistem ini mengintegrasikan <em>Real-Time Clock</em> (RTC) untuk mengatur jadwal penyiraman dan sensor hujan yang otomatis menghentikan penyiraman saat hujan terdeteksi. Pengembangan sistem melibatkan perancangan perangkat keras dan lunak yang terintegrasi, dengan NodeMCU sebagai pengendali untuk menghindari kesalahan penjadwalan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah <em>Research and Development</em> (R&D). Hasil uji coba menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini dapat bekerja sesuai dengan yang telah ditentukan, apabila sensor hujan mendeteksi adanya hujan, maka pompa akan mati. Jika tidak terdeteksi adanya hujan, maka sistem akan otomatis bekerja menyalakan pompa pada pukul 10.00. Secara keseluruhan, sistem penyiram tanaman berbasis <em>Internet of Things</em> (IoT) diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya air dan energi, serta memberikan solusi ramah lingkungan bagi petani di seluruh Indonesia.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika SISTEM CONVENYOR DAN LENGAN ROBOT BERBASIS PLC DAN ARDUINO DALAM PROSES PEMINDAHAN BARANG2024-10-15T08:20:52+07:00Agusto Frendy<p><em>Automation systems play a central role in modern industries. The presence of automation within industries holds significant importance in enhancing efficiency throughout production stages. The rapid development of automation technology aims to alleviate human tasks, monitor operational processes, and regulate system performance optimally. In addressing the challenges of complex material handling, automation solutions have been implemented through the utilization of conveyor systems and robotic arms. Conveyors serve as material transport mechanisms, although they possess specific effectiveness, they also encounter operational limitations. On the other hand, robots as automated systems can be controlled through microcontrollers and possess physical capabilities for specific tasks. Within this context, the research involves the design of electronic systems employing PLCs for conveyor control and Arduinos for robotic arm control. Through the integration of conveyors and robotic arms, this prototype development demonstrates significant potential in meeting the demands of industrial automation. Comprehensive test results concerning load lifting capabilities reveal that the robotic arm can efficiently handle loads with a maximum weight of 17 grams. However, factors such as the suboptimal nature of the robotic arm material and limitations in equipment size also contribute to these outcomes.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika PAKAN KUCING OTOMATIS DENGAN SISTEM BUKA TUTUP MENGGUNAKAN DINAMO, SERVO, DAN SENSOR LIMIT SWITCH BERBASIS ARDUINO Widoretno Anjani<p><em>Pet welfare is a human right that belongs to the animal itself. However, this does not get enough attention from the public or pet owners. Judging from the owner's lack of knowledge of the pets they own and the lack of facilities that support the welfare of the pets themselves. Inefficient and ineffective feeding of cats will affect the animal's diet. Because irregular eating patterns can cause digestive disorders in cats. For this reason, an automatic mechanism is needed that can be used to help feed pets according to the right time and dose. So that this final project will design and build an Automatic Cat Feeding Tool with an Open and Close System Using a Dynamo, Servo, and Sensor Limit Switch which is composed of several connected programs and is based on Arduino Uno. With the existence of an automatic cat feeding device, it is hoped that it can overcome the problems faced by cat owners. Apart from that, it can also save costs, increase the time and energy efficiency of cat owners, and can create a sense of calm for cat owners when leaving their pets at home even without full supervision</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika FLY ASH DAN BOTTOM ASH SEBAGAI CAMPURAN PEMBUATAN BATA RINGAN DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN PROSES CELLULAR LIGHTWEIGHT CONCRETE (CLC)2024-10-15T08:20:55+07:00Bobby Asukmajaya R.<p>FABA (Fly Ash and Bottom Ash) is a residual waste from burning coal which is widely used by industry to produce heat energy, an example is the use of FABA in PLTU (Steam Power Plant). One of the oldest PLTUs in Indonesia, namely PLTU PJB UP Paiton, has been using coal for a long time, the utilization of FABA is still quite minimal due to problems from the government in using FABA due to its entry into Hazardous and Toxic Material (B3) waste, but in 2021 through Regulation Government Number 22 of 2021 concerning the implementation of environmental protection and management is established if FABA is no longer included in B3 waste.</p> <p>The process of making lightweight bricks is divided into 2, namely AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) and CLC (Cellular Lightweight Concrete). because the process is relatively simple and does not require expensive special tools. In this study CLC was chosen because it seeks to improve the quality of small industrial materials, so that the products produced meet the standards set by the government.</p> <p>One way to use FABA waste is to make CLC lightweight brick mixture, because FABA material is classified as having a lighter specific gravity compared to the main material for making CLC fine aggregate at this time, namely sand. In this research, the effect of mixing FABA materials will be examined by substituting sand and cement, to obtain a mixture that is in accordance with SNI 8640: 2018 concerning Specifications for Lightweight Bricks for Wall Pairs.</p> <p>The results of the research show that the substitution of cement with fly ash produces a smaller dry specific gravity and an increase in strength in mixtures B and C, then the substitution of fine sand aggregate with bottom ash results in a reduction in the CLC specific gravity value, and the compressive strength increases in mixture E, F, G, and H. The CLC lightweight brick mixture that meets the individual and average compressive strength according to SNI 8640:2018 is mixture G.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika and Implementation of PID-Based Smart Adapter for Laptop Power Management and Battery Optimization2024-10-31T12:14:23+07:00YOLINVIANUS PAULUS<p><em>This research aims to develop a PID-based Smart Adaptor for laptops to optimize Battery charging processes and enhance Battery lifespan. Laptops are commonly used devices by students and office workers; however, the majority of users often neglect Battery health and maintenance. Suboptimal Battery charging can lead to performance degradation and reduced Battery lifespan. In this study, we design and produce a device that automatically regulates current and voltage to the laptop's Battery using PID control. Testing of this device demonstrates its success in maintaining Battery health and optimizing charging according to the laptop's needs. The device is also capable of protecting the Battery from damage caused by overcharging. The PID method proves effective in controlling Battery voltage towards the established set point. Test results show that the use of the Smart Adaptor with PID control can shorten Battery charging time compared to the laptop's built-in charger. Additionally, this device provides convenience to users as the laptop automatically disconnects when the Battery is full and begins charging when the Battery is nearly depleted.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS DALAM SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENYARINGAN BAKAL CALON KEPALA Karuniawatifardiana.karuniawati@gmail.comSeno<p>The aim of this research is to design a system using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method in a decision support system for screening prospective village heads. The research method used is SDLC with the waterfall model, because in this research designing a system, the waterfall method only reaches the system design stage. The research resulted in a system design using the Analytical Hierarchy Process method in a decision support system for screening prospective village head candidates which is expected to provide an overview to the regional government or village government in carrying out additional selection for prospective village head candidates</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika PENENTUAN DEBIT BANJIR RANCANGAN DENGAN METODE HSS SNYDER DAN HSS SCS-CN UNTUK BANGUNAN PENGENDALI BANJIR DI SUNGAI SEMBAKUNG<p><em>DAS Sungai Sembakung mempunyai luas aliran sungai 1.260 km2 dan panjang sungai primer 134 km, terletak di Desa Labang, Kecamatan Lumbis Pansiangan, Kabupaten Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Salah satu lokasi rawan banjir di Kabupaten Nunukan adalah Sungai Sembakung. Di Kabupaten Sembakung, bencana banjir hampir selalu terjadi setiap tahunnya. kondisi geografis, dan kemungkinan terjadinya erosi tepian sungai menjadi beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya banjir di Sungai Sembakung. Mendapatkan Hidrograf Satuan Sintetis yang cocok untuk struktur pengendalian banjir di Sungai Sembakung adalah tujuan dari proyek ini. memanfaatkan data curah hujan selama 15 tahun dari Stasiun Mansyalong yaitu pada tahun 2007 hingga tahun 2021. Prediksi curah hujan adalah</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika TINGKAT KERUSAKAN JALAN DENGAN METODE PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI) DAN SOLUSI PENANGANANNYA2024-10-24T09:17:17+07:00Anisa<p>Jalan raya adalah infrastruktur yang sangat penting untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia, tetapi masalah kerusakan jalan merupakan isu serius yang mempengaruhi efisiensi dan keamanan transportasi. Beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan kerusakan ini antara lain beban lalu lintas berat, perubahan cuaca, infiltrasi air, dan kualitas awal perkerasan. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada ruas jalan Ngembul – Rejoso di Kabupaten Blitar, menggunakan Metode <em>Pavement Condition Indeks</em> (PCI) untuk mengevaluasi kondisinya. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ruas jalan ini mengalami kerusakan signifikan, terutama karena lalu lintas truk bermuatan tebu menuju pabrik gula Rejoso Manis Indo (RMI). PCI mencatat bahwa rata-rata kondisi jalan mencapai 39,92%, dengan mayoritas kerusakan berupa retak-retak, lubang, dan permukaan yang bergelombang. Studi ini merekomendasikan rehabilitasi menyeluruh dengan estimasi biaya sekitar Rp. 5.395.000.000,- untuk memperbaiki kondisi jalan Ngembul – Rejoso.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika SERVICE OF MAPPING SURVEY AS AN IMPLEMENTATION OF ENTREPRENEURIAL READINESS OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS2024-10-25T13:20:34+07:00RIKA AYU<p><em>Various competences have been given to the students of the Vocational School (SMK), in particular the specialization program of Teknik Konstruksi dan Perumahan. One such competence is to be able to understand the types of measuring instruments, the operation and maintenance of simple and professional measurement instruments (manual and digital), as well as the data of measurements, and to be capable of understanding the business processes of construction and housing work, including the planning and implementation of housing construction. The growing market demand for surveys and mapping, as well as extensive business opportunities, gave rise to the idea of familiarizing students with entrepreneurship. In addition to meeting the needs of the industry, this idea aims to prepare students to enter the world of entrepreneurship. SME graduates are expected to be able to create jobs for themselves and others. With this idea and supported by existing curricula, SMK students should get used to having an entrepreneurial spirit. The purposes and implementation of the curriculum can be achieved through survey and mapping services, with the hope that students can design and implement an entrepreneurship program in the form of Mapping Survey Services as Implementation of Entrepreneurial Preparedness, Students of SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya.</em></p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika PENAMBAHAN PENAMBAHAN CACAHAN LIMBAH MASKER MEDIS PADA KINERJA CAMPURAN ASPAL2024-11-03T10:40:26+07:00sugeng<p>Roads are a very important matter in the field of construction, Indonesia as a developing country that will enter into a developed country is trying to meet construction needs. Innovations related to the development of good road construction need to be implemented, so that road construction in Indonesia can run well and have results that are in accordance with the standards set in the Indonesian National Standard.<br>In the previous research using medical mask waste, the selected part was using the inside of the mask, namely polypropylene, the results obtained were satisfactory, but it was less effective in the field directly because the mask had to be sorted inside and outside, so that for further research it was made directly. the shredded mask waste is intact, so that the manufacturing process can be carried out directly without requiring time to sort out the existing waste.<br>The inside of a medical mask contains several polymers that are difficult to decompose, so there is a risk of contaminating the environment. Moreover, the need for masks during a pandemic is very much, and even now there is no specific way to use them optimally and safely. It is hoped that the use of medical mask waste as an asphalt mixture will increase the stability of the asphalt in the event of cracks due to the large load on the road.<br>The results of the research showed that the effect of adding mask waste was that there was the greatest increase in stability in the 5% mixture, and gradually decreased in the 10%, 15% and 20% mixture. Compared to the normal mixture (0%) the stability value increased by 70% in the 5% mask mixture. The effect of adding a mask mixture makes the flow value smaller, so that the asphalt has insufficient flexibility. The MQ or Marshall Quotient value is largest in the 15% mixture. A mixture of 10%, 15%, 20% does not meet the VIM values determined in the 2018 general construction specifications.<br>Kata kunci: Infrastructure, Roads, Asphalt, Mask Waste, Asphalt Performance</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Qua Teknika CUCI TANGAN OTOMATIS MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR INFRARED OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE2025-02-10T11:18:38+07:00Muhammad Habib Khoir Habibhabibhabib709@gmail.comSyamsudin Nur<p>When the Covid-19 virus developed in Wuhan and spread throughout the world, efforts to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus were carried out using the 3M Protocol, washing hands, using masks, using sanitizers. One step to overcome this is to create an automatic hand washing tool. It is hoped that making this simple tool can reduce the spread of the Covid-19 virus in any region. The simple tools and materials make it possible for most people to make it. However, after testing, this tool still has shortcomings and errors may occur. This can still be overcome with slight modifications by giving it a slightly dark color by painting or placing the sensor behind the small faucet stop. The hand washing device using IR obstacle avoidance is placed in the sink in the faucet and liquid soap container. The equipment created can detect hands from a distance of 2.5 cm to 30 cm and can dispense water and soap when an obstacle is detected. So the use of the Infrared Obstacle Avoidance sensor in the hand washing place can operate properly as it should.</p>2024-09-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Qua Teknika